Blog Utopias Bach

Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

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Coedwig yn dod i Pontio - Forest Comes to Pontio!
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Coedwig yn dod i Pontio - Forest Comes to Pontio!

Ymunwch gyda ni dydd Sadwrn (27.5.23) am ddiweddglo dramatig i’n preswyliad 3 mis Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed Utopias Bach - yn Pontio/dros Zoom….

Join us on Saturday (27.5.23) for the dramatic ending to our 3 month Utopias Bach Tree Sense Experimental School residency - @ Pontio/on Zoom….

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities! Find out how our Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed Tree Sense Experimental School has been going, forthcoming exhibition at Galeri, Caernarfon , a new partnership with Gaia Redgrave’s rewilding the artist project and exciting news on the next stage of Cysyllte… Connecting experiment

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

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Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed - Tree Sense Experimental School
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed - Tree Sense Experimental School

Yn ystod ein cyfnod preswyl Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed yn Pontio, Bangor (3 Mawrth - 27 Mai 2023), rydym yn eich gwahodd chi – amrywiaeth hyfryd o bobl ddynol a phobl coed o bob oed, math a chefndir – i ddod yn gyfranogwyr sumbiotig mewn cyd-ymholiad gyda choed.

Over the course of Utopias Bach’s Tree Sense Experimental School residency at Pontio, Bangor (3 March - 27 May 2023), we are inviting you – human people and tree people of all ages - to become symbiotic participants in a co-enquiry with trees.

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Free Utopias Bach online course!
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Free Utopias Bach online course!

26 Ionawr - 23 Mawrth 2023
Dydd Iau 18:00- 20:00 | 8 wythnos

Cwrs ar-lein fydd hwn yn defnyddio celf, ffotograffiaeth, barddoniaeth, mapio, adrodd straeon ac ymholi ar y cyd. AM DDIM!

26th January - 23rd March 2023
Thursday 18:00- 20:00 | 8 weeks

This will be an online course using art, photography, poetry, mapping, storytelling and collaborative enquiry. FREE

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Gwahoddiadau - Invitations
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Gwahoddiadau - Invitations

Ein cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Gan gynnwys cwrs Utopias Bach newydd gydag Addysg Oedolion Cymru, arbrawf Cysylltu amlddisgyblaethol, arbrawf mewn ‘adeiladu cymdeithas gydnerth sy’n gwybod am drawma’, a phreswyliad gyda Galeri Caernarfon.

Our latest opportunities! Including a new Utopias Bach course with Adult Learning Wales, a multi-disciplinary Connecting experiment, an experiment in ‘building a trauma-informed resilient society’, and a residency with Galeri Caernarfon

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Diweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

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Twenty-two postcards for Utopias Bach by Iain Biggs
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Twenty-two postcards for Utopias Bach by Iain Biggs

I have made twenty-two postcards for Utopias Bach. Although as images and texts the cards reflect personal concerns, many of these concerns are shared and relate to the Values and Questions of Utopias Bach. Some cards also raise questions that have been with me a long time, about inspiration in relation to the historical status of women, particularly as these questions may relate to the present and to groups like Utopias Bach.
I will “post” a new card on my website each day for the next twenty-one days…

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Y Gymraeg o dan yr wyneb - The Welsh Language under the surface
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Y Gymraeg o dan yr wyneb - The Welsh Language under the surface

Bilingual blog dwyieithog gan Sara Louise Wheeler

“Disgwyliwch yr annisgwyl, neu fyddwch chi ddim yn dod o hyd iddo”

“Expect the unexpected, or you won’t find it”


Mae'n rhyfedd sut mae pethau'n troi allan weithiau. Rwyf, ar adegau, wedi cael syniad ar gyfer prosiect neu ddigwyddiad, yna symud ymlaen â'r cynllun ac mae popeth wedi dilyn mwy neu lai y llwybr disgwyliedig. Fodd bynnag, nid dyma'r ffordd y mae pethau bob amser yn mynd, a dweud y gwir anaml y mae pethau'n mynd fel hyn, ac yn sicr roedd hyn yn wir gyda fy mhrosiect Utopias bach - Yr Awen o sach Modryb Venodotia

It’s funny how things turn out sometimes. I have, on occasion, had an idea for a project or an event, then proceeded with the plan and everything has followed more or less the expected trajectory. However, this is not the way things always go, in fact it is rarely how things go, and this was certainly the case with my Utopias bach experiment - The ‘Awen’ from the sack of Aunty Venodotia

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Gwahoddiadau - Invitations
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Gwahoddiadau - Invitations

Yn ystod ein sgyrsiau ‘beth nesaf Utopias Bach’, wnaethon ni benderfynu creu cylchlythyr i rannu gwahoddiadau. Dyma ein un cyntaf!
During our 'what next Utopias Bach' conversations, we decided to create a newsletter to share invitations. Here's our first one!

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Diweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

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Gwyl Metaboliaeth Festival 2022
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Gwyl Metaboliaeth Festival 2022

August 19 - 21 Mis Awst 2022

Bydd Gŵyl Metaboliaeth ydy yn cynnwys mwy na deg ar hugain o artistiaid a pherfformwyr (gan gynnwys llawer o bobl Utopias Bach), a fydd yn creu pymtheg o ddigwyddiadau neu sefyllfaoedd byw dros dri diwrnod, yn Ninas Bangor a’r cyffiniau.

Gwyl Metaboliaeth will involve more than thirty artists and performers (including lots of Utopias Bach people), creating fifteen live events or situations over the space of three days, in and around the City of Bangor.

Ymuno â ni! Join us!

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Cipolwg - Nano News
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Cipolwg - Nano News

Mis Gorffenaf is the end of summer, and it is also the end of Utopias Bach’s year of Arts Council Wales funding. To reflect on and celebrate what this means, we held a weekend of events in June, and the good news (we think) is that we decided that Utopias Bach isn’t stopping! At the end of July we will be returning to our ‘unfunded’ selves, as we were for the first six months of Utopias Bach. And we have started to think of ourselves (thanks to Lisa Hudson for the idea) as a collective. We don’t yet know what that means, but there are things already afoot…

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Y Llais Bach
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Y Llais Bach

Llinos Griffin a Steffan Harri

Yn Hydref 2021, mi roddon ni alwad allan yn archwilio’r syniad o iwtopias. Pa frawddegau sy’n dod i’r meddwl wrth feddwl am iwtopias? Beth ydi’ch syniadau iwtopaidd chi? Oes ‘na synau sy’n iwtopaidd i chi? Allwch chi eu recordio nhw…
Mae’r hyn dan ni wedi ei dderbyn gan bobl o bob cwr wedi bod yn ddychmygus, yn her i’n meddyliau, yn bwerus dros ben. I ni, mae’r blethiad yma o leisiau dynol, offerynnau a synau byd natur yn iwtopia ynddo’i hun…

In Autumn 2021, we made a call out to explore the idea of utopias.Which phrases spring to mind when you think of utopia? What are your utopic ideas? Are there sounds that are utopic to you? Can you record them…
The recordings that we have received from people from all over have been imaginative, challenging to the mind and extremely powerful…. For us, this weaving of human voices, instruments and natural sounds is most definitely a utopia in itself…

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Utopias Bach and Socially Engaged Art
lindsey colbourne lindsey colbourne

Utopias Bach and Socially Engaged Art

By Wanda Zyborska

I am exploring four questions that have been tickling me, not as someone who knows the answers, but who is asking the questions.

What is socially engaged art? How can it be defined?

How do you tell if it is any good (and does it matter)?

Is there a place for formal, aesthetic criticism of socially engaged art, and of Utopias Bach as an example?

What does socially engaged art look like (and does it matter)?

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