Gwyl Metaboliaeth Festival 2022

English below

Metabolaeth yw'r broses fiolegol mae’r corff yn ei defnyddio i droi bwyd a diod yn egni. Ond beth am Fetabolaeth y meddwl, y dychymyg, iaith a chelfyddyd?

Bydd Gŵyl Metaboliaeth ydy yn cynnwys mwy na deg ar hugain o artistiaid a pherfformwyr (gan gynnwys llawer o bobl Utopias Bach), a fydd yn creu pymtheg o ddigwyddiadau neu sefyllfaoedd byw dros dri diwrnod, yn Ninas Bangor a’r cyffiniau.

Gwyl Metaboliaeth yw'r ail ŵyl a grëwyd fel rhan o broject ymchwil AHRC, 'Ailddyfeisio'r Digwyddiad Byw' o dan arweiniad Dr Sarah Pogoda, Ysgol y Celfyddydau, Diwylliant ac Iaith.

mwy o wybodaeth a tocynnau

Biologically speaking, metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. But what about a Metabolism of the mind, of imagination, of language and of art?

Gwyl Metaboliaeth will involve more than thirty artists and performers (including lots of Utopias Bach people), creating fifteen live events or situations over the space of three days, in and around the City of Bangor.

Gwyl Metaboliaeth is the second festival created as part of the AHRC research project, ‘Reinventing the Live Event’ led by Dr Sarah Pogoda, School of Art, Culture and Language

More info and booking

Click on links for location and tickets - ALL FREE

Friday 19 August

Pilgrimage of the Big Shiny Cross 2-5pm efo Rhona Bowey
Mae’r Big Shiny Cross yn edrych yn fodern, yn cyfosod y presennol a’r gorffennol, gan wneud pererindod o Faesgeirchen i ganol dinas Bangor, gan gyfeirio golau’r haul i fannau lle na fyddai’n mynd fel arall, sy’n atgoffa rhywun o domenni claddu yn ystod yr heuldro.

The Big Shiny Cross has a contemporary façade, juxtaposing past and present, making a pilgrimage from Measgeirchen to Bangor City Centre, directing sunlight into spaces were there would be none, reminiscent of burial mounds on solstice.

Dorothy 2-6pm Installation by Mwnciboi

Map a Damwain III 8-10pm Performance and Mapping

Perfformiadau gyda Hap a Damwain, (electronig, Cymraeg, Aled Roberts, Simon Beech) Anxiolytics/Pryderi (electronig, arbrofol, Rhys Trimble, Siter Midnite) ac yn cynnwys symudiadau cyfranogol a lluniadau ymateb ar fapiau.

Performances with Hap a Damwain, (electronic, Cymraeg, Aled Roberts, Simon Beech) Anxiolytics/Pryderi (electronic, experimental, Rhys Trimble, Sister Midnite) and involving participatory movement and response drawings on maps.

Saturday 20th August

Roda 10-10.30am Performance by Capoeira Mocambo

Crone Borg ll I’ll loll I’ll p I’ll I’ll l 11.45am. Mae Crone Cast yn ôl! Crone Cast are back efo Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Kar Rowson, Lindsey Colbourne, Steph Shipley, Emily Meilleur, Rhona Bowey

Mae Crone Cast yn ymweld â cheg ac anws y fetabolaeth, safn sy’n ymddangos fel archfarchnad. Yr is-destun yw diwedd y cyfnod clo, y normal newydd annormal, parhad y pandemig a dinistr parhaus y maes eco.

Crone Cast visit the mouth and anus of the metabolism, a maw, manifested as supermarket. The subtext is the end of lockdown, the non-new-normal, the continuation of the pandemic and the continued destruction of the eco sphere.

Jodie Mamatung 2.30pm Interactive music performance

Caneuon a synau byrfyfyr! Mae’r offerynnydd, yr artist a’r gantores-gyfansoddwraig Jodie Mamatung yn eich gwahodd i ddod draw i glywed caneuon a cherddoriaeth newydd wrth iddynt gael eu creu yn y foment ac wedi eu hysbrydoli gennych CHI a’r byd o’n cwmpas! Edrychwch i fyw llygaid y gantores a bydd hi'n canu cân eich enaid i chi!

Improvised songs and sounds! Multi instrumentalist, artist and singer-songwriter Jodie Mamatung invites you to come along and witness new songs and music as they are created in the moment inspired by YOU and the world around us! Eyegaze with the Eyegazing Songstress and she will sing your soul song to you!

Zenaboliaeth 4-5.30pm

Zen Writing Workshop with Benjamin Cusden
Mae Zenaboliaeth yn weithdy ysgrifennu archwiliadol sy'n cyffwrdd ag egwyddorion ac athroniaethau Zen. Ymunwch â'r bardd benjamin 'Cwningen Ddu' cusden ar y llwybr i drawsnewid y ‘fi’ a darganfod rhyng-gysylltiad pob dim trwy ysgrifennu a rhannu. Gyda’ch gilydd, byddwch yn archwilio’r cysyniad o ‘fi’ yn y byd ac yn y rhyngweithio rhwng pobl, planhigion ac anifeiliaid o safbwynt Zen fel arf ysgrifennu creadigol, beth bynnag eich genre neu ble bynnag yr ydych ar eich taith ysgrifennu.

Zenaboliaeth is an exploratory writing workshop touching on the principles and philosophies of Zen.Join poet benjamin'Cwningen Ddu' cusden on the path to transform the I’ and find the interconnectedness of all things through writing and sharing. Together you'll explore the concept of I / me witthin the world and the interbeing of people, plants and animals from a Zen perspective as a tool for creative writing whatever your genre or wherever you are on your writing journey.

Wickerperson: Into the Plethawd 8pm Performance Rhys Trimble Rhona Bowey

Performance by Ellen Davies, Jessica Jones, Melissa Pasut, Siw Thomas, Betul Katigoz

Wedi ei ysbrydoli gan allu Zoom i gysylltu unigolion ynysig yn ystod Covid, mae’r perfformiad byw hwn yn cysylltu dawns, cerddoriaeth, taflunio, a ffilm i archwilio ac adeiladu ar sgwrs rhwng artistiaid unigol yn ystod cyfarfod Zoom go iawn a recordiwyd.

Inspired by the power of Zoom to connect isolated individuals during Covid, this live performance connects dance, music, projection, and film to explore and build on a conversation between individual artists during an actual recorded Zoom meeting.

Adwaith 12.30pm - Poetry performance by Anna Powell, Elaine Marianne Hughes and Karen Ankers

Into Deeper Water 3.30pm Sound installation and poetry performance by Steph Shipley

Mae Into Deeper Water yn defnyddio safle anheddiad Celtaidd cynnar a ffynnon sanctaidd ddiweddarach mewn tŷ ffynnon o’r 14eg ganrif. Mae'n lleoliad heterotopaidd sy'n adlewyrchu popeth o’i amgylch ac yn tarfu ar bopeth o'i amgylch. Mae seinweddau trochol a pherfformiad llafar yn cael eu hysgogi ganddo. Maent yn cymryd saib i wrando a thystio mewn cornel gysgodol o Erddi Treborth ar y Fenai

Into Deeper Water draws from the site of an early Celtic settlement and a later Holy spring set in a 14th century Well House. It is a heterotopian emplacement that reflects and disturbs all that surrounds it. Immersive soundscapes and a spoken word performance are stirred by it. They beckon a pause to listen and witness in a sheltered corner of Treborth Gardens on the Menai Strait

Humycelium 5pm Performance with Samina Ali, Irene Gonzalez, Emily Meilleur, Lindsey Colbourne, Femke Ghent

Mae tebygrwydd rhwng pobl a myceliwm ... maent i gyd yn teimlo, yn synhwyro, yn reddfol, yn faethlon, yn rhyng-gysylltiedig â phopeth o'u cwmpas ac yn cyfathrebu'n gyson. Mae'r ddau angen dŵr, golau, tywyllwch a bwyd i fyw, ond mewn llawer o ardaloedd trefol, rydym yn colli rhywfaint o'r cnawdolrwydd rhyfeddol hwn. Cael ein symud gan sŵn, siarad yn hytrach na synhwyro, peidio â theimlo ein gilydd, peidio â rhoi'r hyn sy’n angenrheidiol i feithrin ein hamgylchedd, peidio â bod yn sensitif i'n hamgylchedd a sut rydym yn effeithio arno neu'n cael ein heffeithio ganddo. Heddiw, byddwn yn archwilio'r polareddau hynny ac yn ailgyflwyno'r agweddau hyn i bobl. Gan fynd i bob cyfeiriad, chwilio am gysylltiadau a chreu cyfnewidiadau symbiotig, yn y gofod rhwng pobl a phethau byw eraill.

Hu-mycelium.... where the interconnectedness of humans are reinacted by mycelium...or are they humans enacting mycelium....? Humans and mycelium have many similarities....they are all feeling, sensing, intuitive, nourishing, interconnected to everything around them constantly communicating. Both require water, darkness light, food to survive, but in many built up areas, we lose some of this amazing sensuality. Removed by noise, talking rather than sensing, not feeling into each other, not giving what's needed to nourish our surroundings, not being sensitive to our environment and how we are impacting it or being impacted. Today, we will explore those polarities and re-introduce these aspects to humanity. Radiating in all directions, seeking connections and creating symbiotic exchanges, in the space between people and other living things.

Ore et Labore 6pm Exhibition and Poetry Reading//Arddangosfa a Darllen Barddoniaeth efo Rhys Trimble, Benjamin Cusden, Anna Powell, Summer Keys, Jean-Samuel Mfikela, Jasper Dawson Clough

Echolocation by the Stars 8pm Sound and Poetry by Alan Holmes and Zoë Skoulding


Dust and Ashes - ffilm gan Natasha Dawes

A Journey Through Consciousness - ffilm gan Wanda Garner

Ffotograff o Picasso a dynnwyd gan Philippe Halsman ym 1960 a sbardunodd ddelweddaeth gychwynnol “Dust and Ashes”, ffilm fer sy'n archwilio sut mae’r holl fywyd ar y ddaear yn gysylltiedig. Dylanwadwyd ar y naratif gan golled bersonol ddiweddar a chan fy heneiddio a'm dirywiad fy hun.Mae amrywiaeth o gyfeiriadau diwylliannol yn cydblethu o fewn y ddelweddaeth a’r farddoniaeth: Alice’s adventures, cân gan Bowie, Elliot's Wasteland, gwasanaeth angladd, yr offeren lafarganu Gatholig i'r meirw, pandemigau'r gorffennol. Mae'r diwedd yn anochel, sut bynnag byddwn yn edrych ar bethau.

A 1960 photograph of Picasso by Philippe Halsman triggered the initial imagery of Dust and Ashes, a short film that continues an exploration into how all life on Earth is connected. The narrative was influenced by recent personal loss and by my own ageing and decay.Within the imagery and poetry are interwoven a variety of cultural references: Alice’s adventures, a Bowie song, Elliot’s Wasteland,the funeral service, the Catholic plain chant mass for the dead, past pandemics. No matter how we look at it the end is inevitable.


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