Blog Utopias Bach

Croeso i Gofod Glas “pop up” Llanrwst
Gofod Glas: Archwilio perthynas bobol hefo dwr croyw.
Ar Mawrth 1af 2025, mae Gofod Glas yn agor ei drysau ac yn eich gwahodd i gydweithio a thrafod dwr croyw yn Nyffryn Conwy. Gyda amrywiad o weithgareddau yn 28 Stryd Dinbych, Llanrwst, yn cynnwys adeiladu cwrwgl Conwy, gwrando ar afonydd, dychmygu bod yn ddwr a gofyn cwestiynnau, rydan ni eisiau archwilio dwr hefo chi.
Ar agor dyddiau Gwener a Sadwrn mis Mawrth 11yb - 4:30yh
Gofod Glas: Exploring people’s relationship with freshwater.
On 1st March 2025, Gofod Glas opens its doors and invites conversations and collaborations about freshwater in the Conwy Valley. With a variety of activities at 28 Denbigh Street, Llanrwst, including building a Conwy coracle, listening to rivers, imagining being water and asking questions, we want to explore freshwater with you.
Open Fridays and Saturdays in March 11am - 4:30pm

Holiadur Digwyddiadau Ar-lein - Online Events Questionnaire
Mewn partneriaeth ag Utopias Bach, mae Rewilding the Artist yn ceisio dysgu sut i greu digwyddiadau ar-lein a hybrid sy’n hygyrch a llawen, er enghraifft gan ddefnyddio Zoom.
Rydym wedi dysgu pa mor bwysig yw hi i ddod o hyd i gydbwysedd rhwng gofynion hygyrchedd cymhleth a gwahanol pobl o amgylch digwyddiadau ar-lein neu hybrid, ond hefyd pa mor anodd y gall fod i fynegi'r rhain.
Rydym am gael gwybod am eich anghenion, ac rydym yn eich gwahodd i ateb y pum cwestiwn byr, dienw hyn.
In partnership with Utopias Bach, Rewilding the Artist is trying to learn how to create accessible, joyful online and hybrid events, for example using Zoom.
We have learned how important it is to find a balance between people’s complex and different access requirements for online or hybrid events, but also how difficult it can be to express these.
We want to find out about your needs, and we are inviting you to answer these five short, anonymous questions.

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd! Here are updates on our activities and opportunities!
Yn gynnwys - including: Experimental Theotre, February Collaboratory Mis Chwefror, Stitch a Sgwrs, Grwp Barddoniaeth - Poetry

“Experimental Theotre”: Arbrawf Newydd! New Experiment!
Proposal for “Experimental Theotre” by Sarah Pogoda - an invitation to explore theory and post-dramatic theatre: how can we bring the two together?

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd mis ‘ma! Here are updates on our activities and opportunities this month!

Slowing down, Resting up
November Collaboratory Mis Tachwedd, Crone Poetry and Resting Up Collective podcast by Rewilding the Artist

Cyfle olaf! Last chance!
Dyma wythnos olaf ein Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet yn Storiel, a'n Siop Chwilfrydedd Cabinet mewn polaredd creadigol gyda Storiel.
Mae croeso cynnes i chi ymuno â ni ar gyfer dau ddigwyddiad yr wythnos ddiwethaf hon. Yn ogystal â threulio amser yn ein Siop Chwilfrydedd Cabinet, mae cyfle i ymweld â'n Cabinet yn Storiel hefyd.
This is the last week of our Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet Curious Conversation at Storiel, and our Cabinet Curiosity Shop in creative polarity with Storiel.
You are warmly invited to join us for two events this last week.As well as spending time in our Cabinet Curiosity Shop, there is the opportunity to visit our Cabinet at Storiel, as well.

Pedwar Gwahoddiad - Four Invitations
Ymuno gyda ni wythnos 'ma! Join us this week!
Darlunio Llif a Dolennu - Drawing/stitching Flow and Meander
Gweithdy Cysylltu: Connecting Workshop -Merched Cymru, gadewch i’ch lleisuau seiniol! Women of Wales Sound your voice!
Map o Gymru: Drudwy Not \\ Starling Not // Mynediad Not \\ Access Not : Mappening Happening

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd penwythnos 'ma! Here are updates on our activities and opportunities this weekend!

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

Tu Mewn a Thu Allan o’r Cabinet: Inside and Outside the Cabinet!
Mae ein gosodiadau, ein perfformiadau, ein wefan a’n cardiau post yn eich gwahodd chi i fod yn rhan o’n Sgwrs Chwilgar sy’n adlewyrchu ar natur a lleoliad celf ymgysylltiol – [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet?
Dewch i ymweld â'n gosodiad yn Storiel (perfformiad nesaf - Iachau'r Clwyf, Bangor, 3yh 26ain Medi)
AC (yn agor dydd Sadwrn yma, 21ain Medi, 1pm!) ein Siop Cabinet Chwilfrydig yng Nghanolfan Deiniol, Bangor.
Our installations, website, performances and postcards invite you to be part of our ongoing Curious Conversation, reflecting on the nature and location of engaged art – [how to get] into and out of the cabinet?
Come and visit our installation at Storiel (next performance - Healing the Wound, Bangor, 3pm 26th September)
AND (opening this Saturday, 21st September, 1pm!) our Cabinet Curiosity Shop at the Deiniol Centre, Bangor.
Ymunwch gyda ni! Join us!

Agoriad Arddangosfa Sgwrs Chwilgar: Curious Conversation Exhibition Opening. 14.9.24 13.00 - 14.00
Agoriad Arddangosfa Sgwrs Chwilgar: Curious Conversation Exhibition Opening. STORIEL, BANGOR
14.9.24 13.00 - 14.00
Bydd y sioe ymlaen tan 19.10.24 gyda llawer o ddigwyddiadau eraill, teithiau cerdded, arddangosfa yng Nghanolfan Deiniol a mwy…
The Show is on until 19.10.24, with lots of other events, walks, an exhibition in the Deiniol Centre and more…

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities! Yn gynwys, including: Cysylltu… Connecting, Stori’r Tir; Tân a Llif Sgwrs Chwilgar Curious Conversation; Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt… a mwy/and more!

Re-inventing live events, re-inventing communities
We are delighted to announce the publication of our chapter on ‘Reinventing live events, reinventing communities’ in a book exploring adaptation and resilience in the performing arts in the pandemic and beyond.
Written by Sarah Pogoda (focusing on the Metamorffosis festival) and Lindsey Colbourne (focusing on Utopias Bach), our chapter is available as a free download, or buy the book (£20 with code SUN50 until 10th June)…

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities! Yn gynwys, including: Stori’r Tir; Tân a Llif Sgwrs Chwilgar Curious Conversation; May Collaboratory Mis Mai; a new Sculptural Sewing Group and more

Gwahoddiad. Tân a Llif - Sgwrs Chwilgar. A Curious Conversation: 27.4.24
Gwahoddiad - An Invitation: [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet: [how to get] into and out of the cabinet
Lleoliad/Location: Storiel, Bangor, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1DT & ZOOM
Dydd Sadwrn 27.4.24 Saturday 11.00 – 16.00

Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities! Yn gynwys, including: Stori’r Tir; Collaboratories; Tân a Llif [how to] get into and out of the cabinet a mwy/and more!

New Podcast Newydd!
A first for Utopias Bach: We are featured in a podcast! In fact we are episode 1 of season 1 of this new podcast brought to you by Rewilding the Artist focuses on a Culture of Care in the arts. This first episode explores Collaborative Working and Being Human in Utopias Bach

Gwahoddiad Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris Invitation
‘Rydym yn gyffrous iawn i’ch gwahodd chi - ac unrhyw un arall ‘da chi’n meddwl fydd gyda diddordeb - i gymryd rhan yn Stori’r Tir; prosiect creadigol i gasglu a rhannu storiau am ein perthynas gyda’r tîr yn y Dyffryn. We are excited to invite you - and anyone else you think might be interested - to take part in Stori’r Tir, a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in the valley.