Y Gymraeg o dan yr wyneb - The Welsh Language under the surface

“Disgwyliwch yr annisgwyl, neu fyddwch chi ddim yn dod o hyd iddo”

“Expect the unexpected, or you won’t find it”


Bilingual blog dwyieithog gan Sara Louise Wheeler

Mae'n rhyfedd sut mae pethau'n troi allan weithiau. Rwyf, ar adegau, wedi cael syniad ar gyfer prosiect neu ddigwyddiad, yna symud ymlaen â'r cynllun ac mae popeth wedi dilyn mwy neu lai y llwybr disgwyliedig. Fodd bynnag, nid dyma'r ffordd y mae pethau bob amser yn mynd, a dweud y gwir anaml y mae pethau'n mynd fel hyn, ac yn sicr roedd hyn yn wir gyda fy arbrawf Utopias bach - Yr Awen o sach Modryb Venodotia. Mae enw’r prosiect yn deillio o’r darlun enwog o Gymru fel y Fonesig Venodotia/ Modryb Gwen (sy’n deillio o sir Gwynedd). Darlunnir Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru fel sach ar ei chefn. Yn fy llun diwygiedig fy hun, rwy’n dangos yr ‘awen’ anadferadwy yn dianc o’i sach…

It’s funny how things turn out sometimes. I have, on occasion, had an idea for a project or an event, then proceeded with the plan and everything has followed more or less the expected trajectory. However, this is not the way things always go, in fact it is rarely how things go, and this was certainly the case with my Utopias bach experiment - The ‘Awen’ from the sack of Aunty Venodotia. The name of the project derives from the famous drawing of Wales as Dame Venodotia/ Modryb Gwen (derivative of the county of Gwynedd). North-East Wales is depicted as a sack on her back. In my own revised drawing, I show the irrepressible ‘awen’ (poetic muse) escaping from her sack…


Twenty-two postcards for Utopias Bach by Iain Biggs


Gwahoddiadau - Invitations