Cipolwg - Nano News

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group: 28.10.22

Mae Iain Biggs ag Elinor Gwynn yn mynd i gychwyn y grwp barddoniaeth dros zoom ar brynhawn dydd Gwener olaf bob mis, am 4pm

Iain Biggs and Elinor Gwynn will be running an online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.

Open to all!


Gŵyl Bod Yn Dynol: Being Human Festival 12&19.11.22

Mae’r Collaboratory Utopias Bach yn gweithio gyda Hwb Bangor fel rhan o’u Gŵyl Bod yn Ddynol, ym Mis Tachwedd. Beth ydy ein perthynas ni â’r byd o'n cwmpas a sut mae’r amgylchedd yn ymateb i ni? Sut mae torri trwy’r rhwystrau rhyngom ni a phopeth arall sy'n rhannu'r un lle â ni: yn adar, planhigion, anifeiliaid a phobl eraill? Gweler rhaglen llawn yma

Utopias Bach’s November Collaboratory meetings will be part of Hwb Bangor’s Being Human Festival. The festival explores how we relate to the world around us and how does our environment respond to us? How do we break through potential barriers between ourselves and those who share this space with us: the birds, plants, animals and our fellow humans? See the full festival programme

Am ddim! FREE!

12.11.22 Collaboratory 1 - Tuag at Faniffesto o Le/ Towards a Manifesto of Place, Bangor (efo Sarah Pogoda, Lisa Hudson & Lindsey Colbourne)

19.11.22 Collaboratory 2 -Maniffesto Tuag at Faniffesto o Garedigrwydd Rhwng Rhywogaethau/ Towards a Manifesto of Interspecies Kindness, Bangor (efo Sarah Pogoda, Emily Meilleur & Irene Gonzalez/Humycelium Network).


Beth Nesa Utopias Bach What next?

Over the last few months, our Collaboratory has been meeting to shape the future of Utopias Bach. You can see the details and recordings of our meetings here, and in summary: We are becoming a (loose) collective!

  • Dysgu! A community of enquiry. Becoming a learning space where we all teach and learn. A community of enquiry. Lots of different modules - ideas and questions and flows that people could join. Horizontal/equal space where all are welcome. Many subjects, ideas, discussions to allow us to think,explore, experience, understand and question.

  • We want to slow down! Keep small! Hive mind! Humans and more-than-humans

  • Transformation of self (within the collective)! Being the change we want to see

  • Keep healthy! Recognising the work being done might be emotional as well as physical/intellectal/creative

  • Ripples and flows! No commitment needed, we can come in and out, or stay on the edge as it suits. Utopias Bach allows a different type of flow - it is whoever is doing something or gathering at any one time.

  • Work with other organisations/groups! But beware being overtaken by the bigger ones (engage on our own terms)

  • Collaboratories! One real life and one virtual (each month). The Collaboratory will be the place where we make decisions and guide the Utopias Bach collective, as well as exploring ideas, practice and collaborations. Different people could offer to ‘host’ or bring a question or an experiment or an invitation.

  • Exploring different roles! Everyone in the Collaboratory is welcome to put foward a role for themselves! eg Kar is ‘Head of Noticing’, Gaia ‘Seer of the Unseen’, Lindsey ‘The Composter’…

  • 6 monthly reviews! A way of making sense or seeing what we have discovered

  • Website (and email mailing list)! helps support people feeling able to come in and out

  • Experiments! We will continue to invite members of the Collaboratory to put forward ‘experiments’, supporting them with a mentor and publicity (although sadly we can no longer support them financially)

  • Invitations! see our Invitations page for the latest opportunities and offers, and our diary of events … and add your own.


Dadadeiladu’r Gynhadledd - A Deconstructed Conference

Way back in June we had our conference to celebrate/reflect on the end of our 1 year of Arts Council Wales funding/ 1.5 years of Utopias Bach. We have now created a webpage of words and images - ‘conference proceedings’ as you’ve never experienced before.

Diolch i bawb wnaeth ddwad!


Cipolwg - Nano News


Twenty-two postcards for Utopias Bach by Iain Biggs