Cipolwg - Nano News

Gweithio gyda orielau: Working with galleries

Yn ystod y haf, dan ni wedi bod yn gweithio gyda orielau. In July, our Collaboratory went to reimagine the gallery at Oriel Brondanw, Llanfrothen, including engaging with the building’s subconscious! And in August, we had a collaborative residency at Oriel Mostyn, working with their first socially engaged project ‘cwrdd â mi wrth yr afon’. Our investigation was based on the question: ‘how can we create radical alliances with plants?’. Both were experiments in forging new relationships with galleries, taking our collective ways of working into more formal settings. Rather than ‘running workshops’, we structured our sessions around asking questions, meditative silences and invitations.

The results were amazing! Click on the links below for to experience the results, and perhaps to try some of the invitations out yourself:

Oriel Brondanw - ailddychmygu’r oriel: Reimagining the gallery

Oriel Mostyn - preswyl cydweithredol: collaborative residency

We have also had an initial conversation with Galeri, Caernarfon about the possibility of working with them in 2023/4. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Lindsey

Newyddion Arbrofion - Experiments news

Utopias Bach Malawi - Wanda Zyborska has taken Utopias Bach to children in a multilingual after school club in Limbe, Malawi.

Gwyl Metaboliaeth Festival - organised by Lisa Hudson and Sarah Pogoda, took place a couple of weeks ago, with lots of members of Utopias Bach creating performances, installations and poetry readings.

Octopus of Omnipotence - an experiment in kindness - you can now see some of the results of this experiment by Gaia Redgrave, with Samina Ali and Lindsey Colbourne

Aurora gathering with Samina Ali is continuing - warm welcome to all to attend the next meeting this sunday, 4th September.

For details of this and lots of other events, including the Being Human Festival see our calendar

Be’ nesa Utopias Bach what next? Becoming collective

This month our Collaboratory discussions are all about ‘what next’? Now that we have come to the end of our Arts Council Wales 'Connect and Flourish’ funding, we are returning to an ‘unfunded’ phase, as we were for the first 6 months of Utopias Bach. During this time, we collectively shaped what Utopias would become. And we now have the opportunity to re-imagine and reshape Utopias Bach once again.

All ideas and offers and wants are welcome! To find out more see here. This page includes a zoom recording of the 31.8.22 Utopias Bach Collaboratory meeting in which we envisage, develop and share ideas for what next with Utopias Bach - what might we want to be, do, how... and what questions do we need to answer... It starts with a guided meditation by Samina Ali which might be useful as a way into thinking about it all.

Our next discussion is with a picnic (bring your own!) on Saturday 3 September at Treborth gardens. Croeso cynnes i bawb! See here for detail


Gwahoddiadau - Invitations


Gwyl Metaboliaeth Festival 2022