Gwahoddiadau - Invitations

Cwrs Utopias Bach course

Lisa Hudson has created a FREE 8 week Utopias Bach course in Caernarfon (with an online option on Thursday evenings) for Adult Learning Wales, starting in January 2023. This is an experiment in bringing Utopias Bach methodologies into a more ‘traditional’ learning context.

Lisa invites you to join the course, to share the opportunity with others.

If you would like to help her create the course, contact lisa

"Being with trauma" or "building a trauma informed, resilient society" - an invitation from Samina Ali

As more and more people of diverse backgrounds and cultures come together, we need solid and healthy communication, and understanding of the global context by being "trauma informed" both in how it affects how we each relate, and how we can understand and feel compassion for the confusing or hurtful ways others relate, in order to build resilience.

If you are interested, please get in touch. I'll be starting the group mid- late Jan 2023. We will be co-creating this, although I'd like to have the artistic direction as there's something in particular I'm feeling strongly to bring, whilst being open to everyone who gets involved and their wisdom. There will be a dominant creative aspect including movement and art and maybe even some performance!

Get in touch if you're interested :-)

contact Samina Ali

Yn Cysyllte - Connecting 2024

A multi disciplinary, multi sensory interactive project, exploring communication, transcending words.  

Inspired by the power of Zoom to connect isolated individuals during Covid, El Davies is planning a series of multidisciplinary R&D workshops at Pontio and in the community to explore what can we learn? Or now forgotten!  

  • Layers; barriers; rituals; disconnect ; Space; Polarities; Self/other; Challenge and question - destabilisation 

  • Below the surface…the small things, the places over looked (no-mans lands) which provide its freedom due to lack of expectation. 

  • Mental health/ addiction 

  • How we communicate - Body language, expression, what is overlooked…. 

  • Isolated “voices” moving through a series of  communication/miscommunication to a new dialogue. 

  • Unity in the chaos and seemingly Unintelligible  

  • Destruction of audience/performer -  rather continual cycle of inspiration and response - that without one there is no other.  

This will lead up to a performance at Pontio in 2024. Contact El if you are interested in joining her exploration

Utopias Bach @ Galeri Caernarfon 2023

Bydd Llinos Griffin a Lindsey Colbourne yn cyfarfod ym mis Ionawr 2023 i ddatblygu syniadau ar gyfer gweithio gyda Galeri yn ystod haf 2023, gan gynnwys gweithio gyda phlant difreintiedig yng Nghaernarfon, ac efallai wedi’u hysbrydoli gan Y Llais Bach a Bwystori i archwilio cysylltiadau â bodau dynol a mwy-na- bodau dynol yn y dref a'r môr. Rydym yn eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni i ddatblygu syniadau! cysylltwch â Lindsey

Llinos Griffin and Lindsey Colbourne will be meeting in January 2023 to develop ideas for working with Galeri in summer 2023, incuding working with disadvantaged children in Caernarfon, and perhaps inspired by Y Llais Bach and Bwystori to explore connections with all humans and more-than-humans in the town and sea. We invite you to join us developing ideas! contact Lindsey

If you missed our December Collaboratory, in which we discussed these opportunities, you can see the meeting recording here


Free Utopias Bach online course!


Cipolwg - Nano News