Y Llais Bach

casgliad o leisiau o bedwar ban byd

a collection of voices from four corners of the world

gan - by - Llinos Griffin a Steffan Harri

Scroll down for English

Yn Hydref 2021, mi roddon ni alwad allan yn archwilio’r syniad o iwtopias.

Pa frawddegau sy’n dod i’r meddwl wrth feddwl am iwtopias? Beth ydi’ch syniadau iwtopaidd chi? Oes ‘na synau sy’n iwtopaidd i chi? Allwch chi eu recordio nhw…

Mae’r hyn dan ni wedi ei dderbyn gan bobl o bob cwr wedi bod yn ddychmygus, yn her i’n meddyliau, yn bwerus dros ben. I rai, mae iwtopia i’w ddarganfod yng nghludwch eu cartrefi, i eraill mae’n fyw mewn bywyd gwyllt neu yn “y pethau bach syml”, mae cymuned a merched yn arwain yn bwysig iawn ac i eraill y peth cyntaf a ddaw i’r meddwl ydi mynd ar daith mewnol a/neu newid y byd.

Ieithoedd. Cernyweg, Cymraeg, Saesneg, Swahili, Malayalam, Sbaeneg, Portiwgaleg, Iseldireg, Almaeneg, Daneg.  Mae’r Llais Bach yn mynd â ni ar daith trwy ieithoedd gwahanol fel rhywbeth i’w drysori, fel rhywbeth i’w barchu a’i ddathlu. Yma, mae bod person yn gallu cael cyfle i fynegi ei hun yn yr iaith a ddymuna yn weithred iwtopaidd ynddo’i hun.

I ni, mae’r blethiad yma o leisiau dynol, offerynnau a synau byd natur yn iwtopia ynddo’i hun.

Mae pob un llais ac artist sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y trac yr un mor bwysig â’i gilydd, ond rhaid i mi ddiolch yn arbennig i Carol a Noah neu Chubby Cree am adael i ni ddefnyddio eu trac sain o lais bach anferthol Noah. Nain ac ŵyr yn ei arddegau sy’n drymio ydi Chubby Cree o Ganada. Maent yn dathlu eu diwylliant, yn mynegi, yn amddiffyn ac yn gwrthsefyll fel pobl frodorol o ogledd America. Maent bellach ar daith yn mynegi eu neges am fyd gwell i ni gyd trwy fynd yn ôl at draddodiadau a pharch eithaf i fyd natur. Maent wedi rhannu llwyfan efo Greta Thunberg yn ei hymgyrch dros newid hinsawdd. Dilynwch nhw https://www.facebook.com/chubbycree

In Autumn 2021, we made a call out to explore the idea of utopias.

Which phrases spring to mind when you think of utopia? What are your utopic ideas? Are there sounds that are utopic to you? Can you record them…

The recordings that we have received from people from all over have been imaginative, challenging to the mind and extremely powerful.  For some, utopia is to be found in the comfort of your own home, for others utopia is alive in wildlife or “the simple things”, community and women taking the lead are important and as some point out the first thing that springs to mind is an inner journey and/or changing the world.

Language. Cornish, Welsh, English, Swahili, Malayalam, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Danish. Y Llais Bach takes us on a journey through different languages as something to treasure, to respect and celebrate. Here, a person expressing themselves in their desired language is an utopian act in itself.

For us, this weaving of human voices, instruments and natural sounds is most definitely a utopia in itself.

Every single voice and artist who has taken part in the track are as important as each other, but I have to give a special thanks to Carol and Noah or Chubby Cree for letting us use their track of Noah’s enormous little voice. Chubby Cree is a drumming group from Canada, formed of a grandmother and her teenage grandson. They celebrate their culture, express themselves, protect and resist as indigenous people from north America. They are on tour at the moment expressing their message for a better world by going back to traditions and the utmost respect for the natural world. They have shared a stage with Greta Thunberg in her campaign for climate change. Follow them https://www.facebook.com/chubbycree


Cipolwg - Nano News


Utopias Bach and Socially Engaged Art