Mae Stori’r tir yn brosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris.
Dan ni’n dod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i gipio doethineb y cenedlaethau blaenorol, hybu hunaniaeth a chyswllt
gyda’r tir a’r iaith Gymraeg.
Stori’r Tir is a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris.
We are bringing the community together to capture the wisdom of previous generations, promote identity and connection to the land, creativity and the Welsh language.
Croeso cynnes i bawb gymryd rhan!
Warm welcome to all to take part!
Newyddion! News!
Prosiectau Stori’r Tir projects
Mae 14 o brosiectau Stori’r Tir wedi dechrau - 14 Stori’r Tir projects have started! Yn gynnwys, including:
Deall Cymuned (Understanding Community) • Chwedlau’r Tir (Legends of the Land) • Dehongli’r Dyffryn: Llwybrau’r Merched (Interpreting the Valley: Women’s pathways) • Enwau Caeau Nantperis Field Names • Priodedbau Pridd (Story of Soil) • Gwasanaeth Bws S2 Bus Service • Autochtonnau - Ensemble Stori’r Tir • Traed Bach Tÿ Gwyn (The Tales of Tÿ Gwyn) • Tirweddau Coll - Lost Landscapes • Bws i Lanbabo • Cerrig a Dŵr (Stones and Water - living beside a holy well) • Ysgol Brynrefail
Deall cymuned Dyffryn Peris - Understanding community
Taith dywys gan Sel Williams, yn edrych allan dros Ddyffryn Peris o Ffordd Clegir, gan sylwi ar brif nodweddion y tirlun a meddyliwch am ffyrdd y mae prosesau daearegol, daearyddol, ecolegol, hanesyddol, economaidd, cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol, diwylliannol ac ieithyddol wedi rhyngweithio i lunio’r gymuned bresennol.
A guided journey with Sel Williams, looking out over Dyffryn Peris from Ffordd Clegir, noticing the main features of the landscape and thinking about ways in which geological, geographical, ecological, historical, economic, social, political, cultural and linguistic processes have interacted to shape the current community.
Digwyddiadau - Events
Digwyddiadau Stori’r Tir at ddant pawb gyda gweithgareddau , gweithdai a digwyddiadau yn rhad ac am ddim!
There’s a plethora of all sorts of Stori’r Tir events for free, with something for everyone!
Dyma Lindsey, hefo Lowri, yn sôn ychydig am y prosiect Stori'r Tir, prosiect a ddaeth o syniadau'r plant yng Nghynulliadau Cymunedol ar yr Hinsawdd yn Nyffryn Peris.
Mae Stori’r Tir yn brosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris.
"Dan ni’n dod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i gipio doethineb y cenedlaethau blaenorol, hybu hunaniaeth a chyswllt gyda’r tir a’r iaith Gymraeg."
Here's Lindsey, with Lowri, talking a little about Stori'r Tir (Story of the Land), a project that came from the children's ideas
in the Community Assemblies on the Climate in Dyffryn Peris.
Stori’r Tir is a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris.
"We are bringing the community together to capture the wisdom of previous generations, promote identity and connection to the land, creativity and the Welsh language"
Mae Stori’r Tir wedi cael ei greu gan / Stori’r Tir has been created by Angharad Owen, Emily Meilleur, Lowri Vaughan (GwyrddNi) & Lindsey Colbourne
Fel rhan o Gynllun Gweithredu Hinsawdd Cymunedol Dyffryn Peris
As part of the Dyffryn Peris Community Climate Action Plan