Oriel Prosiect Gallery
Stori Stori’r Tir Story
Stori’r Tir is a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris. We are bringing the community together to capture the wisdom of previous generations, promote identity and connection to the land, creativity and the Welsh language.
Warm welcome to all to take part!
Email: Storirtir@gmail.com
Mae Stori’r tir yn brosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris. Dan ni’n dod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i gipio doethineb y cenedlaethau blaenorol, hybu hunaniaeth a chyswllt
gyda’r tir a’r iaith Gymraeg.
Croeso cynnes i bawb gymryd rhan!
Ebost: Storirtir@gmail.com
Taith Stori’r Tir 2024 Journey
Yr Helfa - The Gathering 11.5.24
Deall Cymuned Dyffryn Peris Understanding the Community 21.5.24
Taith dywys gan Sel Williams, yn edrych allan dros Ddyffryn Peris o Ffordd Clegir, gan sylwi ar brif nodweddion y tirlun a meddyliwch am ffyrdd y mae prosesau daearegol, daearyddol, ecolegol, hanesyddol, economaidd, cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol, diwylliannol ac ieithyddol wedi rhyngweithio i lunio’r gymuned bresennol.
A guided journey with Sel Williams, looking out over Dyffryn Peris from Ffordd Clegir, noticing the main features of the landscape and thinking about ways in which geological, geographical, ecological, historical, economic, social, political, cultural and linguistic processes have interacted to shape the current community.
Taith Tirweddau Coll - Lost Landscapes Walk:
Llanrug 12.6.24
Artistiaid yn Dyffryn Peris Dros y Canrifoedd: Artists in The Llanberis Valley Over the Centuries 31.7.24
Stori’r Tir: Allt Ddu a Choed Dinorwig 6. 8.24 The Story of the Land: Allt Ddu and Dinorwig Woods
13.9.24 Stori’r Tir: Hanesion Bethel a Saron - Bethel and Saron Stories
Priodweddau Pridd: Story of Soil
Dydd Sadwrn 10.8.24 Saturday, Tyddyn Teg, Bethel
Cymerwch olwg agosach : gwahoddiad i gerdded, edrych, darganfod a gwneud lluniau
Take a closer look: an invitation to walk, look, discover and draw
Dehongli’r Dyffryn: Llwybrau Merched 21.9.24
Elin Tomos
Taith Stori’r Tir 6.10.24
Ty’n Llan/Vaynol Arms, Nant Peris
5:00 - 8:00yh
Mae'r misoedd diwethaf o arbrofion creadigol Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris wedi bod yn daith arbennig trwy goedwig, afon, dros fynydd, i mewn i'r pridd, i'r gorffenol, presenol, dyfodol ac i'n chwedloniaeth a'n hanesion.
Noswaith o rannu, cerddoriaeth, straeon ac adlewyrchiadau o brosiect Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris. Roedd ‘na cyfle i feddwl beth hoffwn ni ei wneud nesaf, os o gwbl?
The last few months of Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris creative experiments has been a wonderful journey through woodland, river, over mountains, into the soil, to the past, present, future and our myths and lore.
An evening of sharing music, story and reflections from the journey of “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” and chat with Stori’r Tir. There was an opportunity for us to consider what we'd like to do next, if anything?
Mewnwelediadau? Insights?
Sel williams’ talk - the idea of communitisation, of community owning their resources rather than companies/private estates
mae cymaint o angen am y gwaith yma
Yr afonydd yn dawnsio yn dwyn rhew gopa’r mynydd ac yn ei lechio i’r môr
Soil and turf are really cool - Shankin library has some great resources
There was so much in the Canthrig Bwt story! It really made me think about things
Uchafbwyntiau? Highlights?
Instant connection from the beginning of Stori’r Tir - people have really valued being in the same place together
Holding events at Caban and Y Vaynol - we have reawoken something the community needs!
Teithio i Lanbabo
Stori Lindsey (Canthrig Bwt)
colours of the earth
Canthrig Bwt
Richness of multimedia sharing
Be’ nesa?
Gweithio hefo ysgolion? helpu nhw ddysgu am hanes eu tir
Project idea - peaks and troughs, mountains and valleys
River to the sea
Bury ourselves in soil - live burials
More story research, collation, retelling
Music/storytelling sessions
Bws i Llanbabo event at Deiniolen on 14th October 1-3
How can we deepen what we’ve done
Using the Caban space that Angharad has arranged
Mudiad Turf Movement will continue, with sessions once a month
Harvest festival in a year’s time
Panad a sgwrs for all the Welsh learners
Enwau Caeau project - expand to Llanrug with Dafydd Whiteside-Thomas and Deiniolen. Perhaps link to Sel’s talk about community ownership and effect of the estates
Canthrig Bwt - collecting lots of versions of the story. Seran Dolma has suggested a writing workshop under the Cromlech!
Mae Stori’r tir yn brosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris.
Dan ni’n dod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i gipio doethineb y cenedlaethau blaenorol, hybu hunaniaeth a chyswllt
gyda’r tir a’r iaith Gymraeg.
Stori’r Tir is a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris.
We are bringing the community together to capture the wisdom of previous generations, promote identity and connection to the land, creativity and the Welsh language.
Croeso cynnes i bawb gymryd rhan!
Ebost: Storirtir@gmail.com
Dyma Lindsey, hefo Lowri, yn sôn ychydig am y prosiect Stori'r Tir, prosiect a ddaeth o syniadau'r plant yng Nghynulliadau Cymunedol ar yr Hinsawdd yn Nyffryn Peris.
Mae Stori’r Tir yn brosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris.
"Dan ni’n dod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i gipio doethineb y cenedlaethau blaenorol, hybu hunaniaeth a chyswllt gyda’r tir a’r iaith Gymraeg."
Here's Lindsey, with Lowri, talking a little about Stori'r Tir (Story of the Land), a project that came from the children's ideas
in the Community Assemblies on the Climate in Dyffryn Peris.
Stori’r Tir is a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris.
"We are bringing the community together to capture the wisdom of previous generations, promote identity and connection to the land, creativity and the Welsh language"