

Deall cymuned Dyffryn Peris understanding community

Taith dywys gan Sel Williams, yn edrych allan dros Ddyffryn Peris o Ffordd Clegir, gan sylwi ar brif nodweddion y tirlun a meddyliwch am ffyrdd y mae prosesau daearegol, daearyddol, ecolegol, hanesyddol, economaidd, cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol, diwylliannol ac ieithyddol wedi rhyngweithio i lunio’r gymuned bresennol.

A guided journey with Sel Williams, looking out over Dyffryn Peris from Ffordd Clegir, noticing the main features of the landscape and thinking about ways in which geological, geographical, ecological, historical, economic, social, political, cultural and linguistic processes have interacted to shape the current community.