Cipolwg - Nano News
Sgwrs Chwilgar Storiel Curious Conversation.21.5.24
Diolch i bawb sy wedi ymuno â ni am y Sgwrs Chwilgar “[Sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet” dros Zoom ac yn Storiel, Bangor ym Mis Mawrth a Mis Ebrill.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for the “[How to get] into and out of the cabinet” Curious Conversation over Zoom and in Storiel, Bangor in March and April.
Gweler y canlyniadau yma - See the results here
We will soon be doing a call out for creating something in, out and beyond the Cabinet at Storiel, to embody the spirit of our conversations. If you have been involved so far, we’ll invite you directly. If you have not, but are interested, please email Carreg Creative
Stori’r Tir
Mae ‘na gymaint ymlaen efo Stori’r Tir, prosiect creadigol sy’n casglu a rhannu storiau ynghylch ein perthynas gyda’r tir yn Nyffryn Peris.
There’s so much going on with Stori’r Tir, a creative project gathering and sharing stories of our relationship to land in Dyffryn Peris. The project has used Utopias Bach’s ‘experiments’ format to do a call-out to the community for creative projects, and it is working wonderfully!
Collaboratory Mis Mai:
Gwahoddiad Adolygiad Effaith - Impact Review Invitation 23.5.24
23.5.2024, 11-12:00 (Zoom)
Ar gyfer y Sesiwn Gydweithredol ar-lein hon hoffai Sarah Pogoda ein gwahodd i adolygu’r llwybr creadigol sydd wedi bod yn datblygu ers 2020 – yn, gyda, tuag at, i ffwrdd o, gan, trwy, o dan, dros, y tu hwnt i, y tu mewn i, ar draws, i mewn i, ar hyd, o'r neilltu, gan, fel, gyferbyn i, neu o amgylch gweithgareddau ymchwil-gysylltiedig Sarah Pogoda ac Utopias Bach.
Ydych chi’n cofio Gŵyl Saffaru, Gŵyl Metamorffosis, Gŵyl Metaboliaeth, Arddangosfa ‘This Buoy’s Life’, perfformiad Hirbarhad, chwilota Ynys Faelog, Blwch ‘Rescue Buoy’, ‘Hairppenings’ a llawer mwy?
Yn ystod y pedair blynedd diwethaf, mae ein cymuned wedi cyd-greu, cyd-ymchwilio, a chyd-ddychmygu bydysawd ymdrochi o iwtopias bach byrhoedlog, hirhoedlog, fertigol a llorweddol, rhugl a phydredig, sy’n tyfu ac sy’n ddibarhad, wedi’u hysbrydoli a’u cyffroi gan feddyliau, syniadau, cefnogaeth, beirniadaeth, arian, golygu, synau, symudiadau, cyfleoedd, a gwahoddiadau ei gilydd. Mae'n ymddangos yn amhosibl datblygu'r llwybr hwn, ond gadewch i ni roi cynnig arni. Ac efallai, gallwn hefyd drafod ble yr hoffem i'r llwybrau lluosog hyn fynd nesaf? Mwy o fanylion yma
For this online Collaboratory Sarah Pogoda would like to invite us to review the creative trajectory that has been unfolding since 2020 – in, with, towards, away from, by, through, under, over, beyond, inside, out off, of, across, into, along, aside, from, as, at, opposite to, or around Utopias Bach and Sarah Pogoda's research-related activities.
Do you remember the Saffaru Festival, Metamorffosis Festival, Metaboliaeth Festival, This Buoy's Life Exhibition, Hirbarhad performance, Ynys Faelog explorations, Rescue Buoy box, Hairppenings and many more?
In the past four years, our community has co-created, co-investigated, and co-imagined an entangled universe of ephemeral, durational, vertical and horizontal, fluent and rotting, growing and transitory utopias bach, inspired and exspired by each other’s thoughts, ideas, support, critique, money, editing, sounds, movements, opportunities, and invitations. It seems impossible to unfold this trajectory, but let's give it a try. And maybe, we can also discuss where we would like these multiple trajectories go next?… More details here
Sculptural Sewing Group
Are you interested in taking part in a sculptural sewing group? We are re-making the Veil sculpture for the H M Stanley statue in Denbigh’s annual re-veiling ceremony in protest at statues celebration imperial colonialism. The old one is falling to bits after 13 years!
The first meeting will be on 15 May 10 – 12, venue in Bangor to be decided. The workshops will take place every fortnight, until August 2024.
The sessions will be open to anyone who is interested in coming to sew, and to take part in discussions and conversation. Please let me know if you are interested and I will add you to the list.
I look forward to hearing from you! All welcome! Email Wanda
Culture of Care Podcast
Peidiwch ag anghofio’r podcast newydd gan Rewilding the Artist
Don’t forget the new podcast by Rewilding the Artist.
The podcast explores how artists, collectives and organisations bring care into their authentic sustainable practice through accessible spaces / projects and inclusive ways of working. Episode 1 features Utopias Bach. Episode 2: Community and a Bowl of Soup with Steffan Jones Hughes, Oriel Davies. Episode 3: In Good Faith with Nick Cherryman.
You can find the podcast on Spotify and YouTube.
This podcast sits within the Rewilding the Artist project, an innovative journey to equity and authentic self-expression kindly supported by the Arts Council of Wales Lottery Fund and Utopias Bach.