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October Collaboratory Mis Hydref: Exhibition Parade part 2

Join us at the opening of an exhibition by Audrey West (1pm at Storiel, Bangor)

We decided at our August Collaboratory meeting that each month we’d explore the work of different experiments and members of Utopias Bach. Join us at the opening of Audrey West’s exhibition. There is no ‘formal’ Utopias Bach gathering, but plenty of opportunity for informal conversations and happenings!

Agoriad Arddangosfa Gareth Griffith + Audrey West Exhibition Opening, Storiel, Bangor 13:00 - 14:30

Audrey West - A Cappella Storiel: Caneuon Prynedigaeth
Mynegiant creadigol yn archwilio gwrthdaro o amgylch hanes a pherthynas, atgof a phoen, crefydd, a llawenydd. Ewch fewn i ofod yn cynnig amgylched adfyfyriol a llonydd, ymysg gwirionedd.

Audrey West - A Capella STORIEL: Redemption Songs
Creative expressions explore the conflicts around history and relationships, memory and pain, religion, and joy. Enter a space evoking a reflective and calming environment, amidst truth telling

Cegin Caribi yn STORIEL: Bwydlen y Caribi ar gael i’w archebu 12:30-4:30

Cegin Caribi at STORIEL: Caribbean cuisine available to order 12:30-4:30

8 October

October Collaboratory Mis Hydref: Exhibition Parade Part 1

28 October

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group