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October Collaboratory Mis Hydref: Exhibition Parade Part 1

Join us at the opening of an exhibition by Julie Upmeyer (3pm CARN, Caernarfon)

We decided at our August Collaboratory meeting that each month we’d explore the work of different experiments and this month, we will be joining the opening of Julie Upmeyer’s exhibition. There will be no ‘formal’ gathering of Utopias Bach, but there’s plenty of opportunity for informal chats and happenings!

Arddangosfa | Exhibition: Ffracsiwn Gwagle | Void Fraction, Oriel Carn, Caernarfon 15:00 - 18:00

Ffracsiwn Gwagle

Arddangosfagan artistiaid Mari Rose Pritchard a Julie Upmeyer.

Yn ymwelwyr cyson â Chwarel Aber ar Ynys Môn, mae’r artistiaid Mari Rose Pritchard a Julie Upmeyer yn colomenu’n ddwfn i ddyfnderoedd llwch calchfaen dyfrllyd, gan dreiddio i’w phwerau trawsnewidiol. Gan archwilio rhinweddau ffisegol calchfaen yn y cyflwr unigryw hwn, buont yn cloddio, hidlo, llenwi, ailadrodd, cloddio, mesur, bwrw, erydu, dadleoli, dadhydradu a diddymu'r sylwedd dirgel, ond hollbresennol hwn.


Void Fraction

An exhibition by artists Mari Rose Pritchard and Julie Upmeyer.

Frequent visitors to the Aber Quarry on Anglesey, artists Mari Rose Pritchard and Julie Upmeyer dove deeply into the depths of aqueous limestone dust, delving into its transformative powers. Exploring the physical qualities of limestone in this unique state, they dug, sifted, filled, replicated, excavated, measured, cast, eroded, displaced, dehydrated and dissolved this mysterious, yet ubiquitous substance.

Please note - Audrey West’s exhibition opening has moved to Saturday 15th October

5 October

October Collaboratory Mis Hydref

15 October

October Collaboratory Mis Hydref: Exhibition Parade part 2