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Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group

Mae Iain Biggs ag Elinor Gwynn yn mynd i gychwyn y grwp barddoniaeth dros zoom ar brynhawn dydd Gwener olaf bob mis, am 4pm

Iain Biggs and Elinor Gwynn will be running an online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.

If you are interested in taking part in this first meeting, contact Iain who will send you this month’s poem (‘The Forgetting’).

The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always:

Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450

Passcode: 398362

15 October

October Collaboratory Mis Hydref: Exhibition Parade part 2

3 November

Special Collaboratory Arbennig: At Ein Coed/Tree Sense