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Special Collaboratory Arbennig: At Ein Coed/Tree Sense

Quite a few people and Utopias Bach Experiments have expressed interest in Utopias Bach submitting a collective application to Pontio’s At Ein Coed/Tree Sense residency/commission (taking place March - May next year), with an application deadline of 11th November. We are going to hold a special Collaboratory meeting on Thursday 3rd November over zoom to discuss it and decide if we’d like to submit. Croeso cynnes i bawb! ALL WELCOME!

The zoom link will be the same as always:

Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450

Passcode: 398362

If you can’t make this meeting, but are interested/have ideas (or concerns!), let me know and we’ll try to find a way of feeding them in.

28 October

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group

6 November

Cyfarfod Casgliad Aurora Gathering