Ailddychmygu’r Oriel - Reimagining the Gallery
Ailddychmygu’r Oriel/Re-imagining the Gallery: Collaboratory @ Oriel Brondanw, Llanfrothen, Penrhyndeudraeth
Dydd Sadwrn, Mis Gorffenaf 23: Oriel Brondanw: 11 - 14.00 Saturday 23 July
Gwahoddir chi i Oriel Brondanw i ailddychmygu’r oriel / tŷ yma fel petai chi’n byw yma, neu fel petai’r tŷ yn berson, neu fel petai croeso i bob math o fodau ymweld ac ymgartrefu yma. Cyfle i ailystyried beth yw pwrpas a rôl lle fel hyn. Cyfle i fwynhau cacen, paned, gwisgo i fynnu, cambihafio, creu, a chael gweledigaeth o isymwybod Plas Brondanw.
Rhaglen o ryw fath:
11:00 – Cyrraedd, paned, cacen.
11:30 – Myfyrdod - ymdawelu ac ymgysylltu a’r lleoliad
12:00 – Archwilio’r tŷ, ymateb i wahoddiadau gosod yn unigol neu ar y cyd
1:00 – Cinio – bydd cawl figan di-glwten ar gael, neu dewch a picnic
1:30 - Dod at ein gilydd i drafod a dehongli, casglu ein ymatebion
2:00 – Gorffen
You are invited to Oriel Brondanw to re-imagine this gallery / house as if you lived here, or as if the house was a person, or that all types of beings were welcome to visit and settle here. An opportunity to rethink the purpose and role of such a place. Enjoy a cake, a cup of tea, dress up, misbehave, create, and have a vision from the subconscious of Plas Brondanw.
Rough plan:
11:00 - Arrive, cuppa, cake.
11:30 – Grounding meditation
12:00 - Explore the house, respond to set invitations individually or collectively
1:00 – Lunch. A vegan, gluten free soup will be provided, or you can bring your own
1:30 - Get together for discussion and interpretation, gather our responses
2:00 - End
Guided imagination - re-imagining oriel brondanw
We started with about 16 of us doing this meditation, led by Samina Ali, including words sent by Gaia Redgrave from her virtual collaboration with Plas Brondanw.
There was also a recorded visualisations for those that missed the starting meditation
There was also some drama during the day, not least a lost-then-found mother. Perhaps this is what we should expect when we engage with the subconscious of a house like Plas Brondanw. Sarah Pogoda has written about it here (German).
Gwahoddiadau: Invitations
Dressing up
“Gwahoddiad: Chwilotwch… gwisgwch i fynny… chwaraewch mai chi sydd piau’r lle”
“Invitation: Rummage… get dressed up… swan round like you own the place”
“Gwahoddiad: Beth yw hanes y cadair? Teipiwch/ysgrifennwch eich stori yma”
“Invitation: What is the story of the chair? Type/write your story here”
Walk around barefoot
“Gwahoddiad: Tyna dy sgidia. Dawnsia yn y glaw. Diolch dros y coed. Gwna olion traed noeth, gwlyb ar y llawr pan ti’n dod yn ôl i’r ty”
“Inviation: Take off your shoes and go outside. Feel the ground drinking up the rain. Leave wet naked footsteps all over the floor when you come back in”
Darllun: Drawing
“Gwahoddiad: Edrychwch, gwrandewch, teimlwch, synhwyrwch, darluniwch (ychwenegwch at y darllun hwn)
“Inviation: Look, listen, feel, smell, draw (add to the drawing)
Dewiswch Lyfr - Choose a book
“Gwachoddiad: Dewiswch lyfr. Agorwch ar dudalen 35, darllenwch linell 7. ysgrifennwch eich llinell isod”
“Inviation: Choose a book. Open at page 35, read line 7. Write your line below”
“Gwahoddiad: Pa symbolau cyfrinachol mae’r ty yn eu rhanni efo chi? Feindiwch eich symbol. Darluniwch o ar y label. Rhannwch eich symbol gyda rhwyn arall. Dehonglwch beth mae’r olygu gyda’ch gilydd”
“Invitation: What secret symbols does the house share with you? Find your symbol. Draw it on a luggage label. Share it with another person. Decode what it means together”
Yr Is-ymwybod - The subconscious
“Gwahoddiad: Byddwch yn sianel ar gyfer isymwybod y ty”
“Invitation: Become a channel for the subconsious of the house”