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Mis Mawrth/March Collaboratory: Femtopoems - Mini Concrete Poetry workshop


This Collaboratory will be an ultraminimal poetry workshop with Rhys Trimble using letterpress, (lead moveable type), lettraset (transfer) or word-processing software. Drawing inspiration from such minimalists as Aram Saroyan, Concrete poets like Catherine Vidler and your own microimpulses. We will be using small fonts and microtools to create poems for our little members of utopias bach to read in their dioramas. We will also be using procedural constraints to create the nano/femtopoems. From these constraints a great (and diminutive) richness shall emerge!

Venue: Bangor Uni

If you would like to attend you need to book your place (only a few places left!), and receive venue details etc please email

25 March

Ostara/Spring Equinox: Dancing with conflict in our hearts - Conscious Dance invitation

3 April

Cyfarfod Casgliad Aurora Gathering