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Ostara/Spring Equinox: Dancing with conflict in our hearts - Conscious Dance invitation

An invitation to dance for peace

*******Friday 7-9pm 25th Mar 2022 @ Canolfan Mynydd Llandegai Hall********

I was going to focus this invitation on dancing in time with Spring equinox, until I was compelled to give this dance over to the conflict that is happening all over the world today, and how it can affect us in the internal conflict that we inhabit in an embodied way - which can cause unrest, loss of ground, fear, anxiety, grief, and all that comes with the unknown.

We are amongst strange times of chaos, with our own governments, a pandemic with polarised views, and the current conflicts in Ukraine and Russia, Syria, Yemen, Mexico (sadly the list goes on); which is likely to be impacting us in the collective field where we are all interconnected, and for some of us, including varying levels of personal affect too.

For this, I invite us to dance for peace, to dance with the conflict that is stirred up within us individually, together, in community, and universally. Everything we do matters, and as many of us aren't involved in governmental foreign policy - and even if you are - the least we can do is acknowledge our own internal conflicts to release this from the whole, from our communities, from the future feel, note, express, share and heal; allowing us to make different choices and engage in more awakened conversations and actions.

Come dance for unity and love and peace, in acknowledgement of all the unrest, trauma and conflict.

Samina Ali

Please let me know if you are coming so i can keep an eye on numbers:

**£10 on the door (half will be donated for supporting Ukraine, and an extra donations box for Yemen & Syrian aid)**

****please note - this is a no drugs and alcohol event to allow for a particular kind of communing to be invited on this evening ****

23 March

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26 March

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