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Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)

An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month - apart from this month!) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.

This month, you are invited to share one of your own poems, or if you are not a poet, find a poem about a place you relate to.

Please send your poems for this month to Iain:

The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always:

Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450

Passcode: 398362

23 May

May Collaboratory Mis Mai: Reviewing our Creative Trajectory with Sarah Pogoda

29 May

Sculptural Sewing Group