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Cyfarfod Collaboratory Meeting

Really looking forward to our Utopias Bach gatherings this week - we are meeting on Wednesday (18th August) and on Saturday (21st August) 11am on zoom - and we’d love you to attend one or other or both. You are also welcome to invite others to join.

The zoom link is the same as always:

If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30, to find out a bit about our work and approach, and any questions you may have, before the main meeting. If you’d like to do this, please let us know.


"Mae Utopias Bach yn brosiect celf gan y rhai sy'n cymryd rhan, ac sy'n agored i bawb”

The Collaboratory this week feels quite significant, because we’ll be sharing learning and ideas for what we are doing/hoping to do in Utopias Bach over the next year! Emergent! Cyffrous!

Here is an idea of what we’ll be doing:

After some hellos….

  • We’ll share ideas about how Utopias Bach is shaping up, including how our Arts Council Wales funding is available to support different aspects of the project

  • We’ll spend a bit of time looking at the various Utopias Bach ‘experiments’ (formerly-known-as-projects), opportunities for you to get involved/start new ones, and any barriers to that. It’d be great if you could have a quick look at the list so far: pre-view the list here

  • We’ll then talk about future meetings of the Collaboratory: sharing ideas for the form and content, documentation and sharing learning/barriers.

Throughout, we’ll be exploring ways to learn from your experience of Utopias Bach so far, any barriers you’ve experienced, how you might want to take on (or not!) different roles, join existing things, start new ones. As always, this’ll all be really informal and there is no requirement to do or be anything! You are welcome just to come along and be part of the community.

The meetings will probably last about 1.5 hours.

14 August

Rhythmau Natur: Nature Rhythms

21 August

Cyfarfod Collaboratory Meeting