Blog Utopias Bach
Zapatistas in Caernarfon - Journey for Life
“…above all, let’s seek out accomplices… for the sake of life”
- SupGaleano
Blog gan Lindsey Colbourne
On Saturday morning (23.10.21), I had the huge privilege to join an extraordinary group of people convened in solidarity at Llety Arall in Caernarfon. It was one of the most inspiring gatherings I have ever been to, thanks to The Listening and Speaking Zapatista Delegation from indigenous communities in Chiapas, south Mexico and about 15 people from North Wales who stand in solidarity with them, with their Welsh-language led organising, thinking, writing and actions in communities. And it brought together pretty much everything that I feel Utopias Bach is trying to explore, and I’d like to at least attempt to share some of it with you.
Watch This Space
Blog by Frances Williams, Participant Observer
How do you recount or reflect on an art project, conducted over zoom, without just pressing the record button? In this blog - the first of three others planned across this year and next - I will attempt this tricky, potentially pointless task. Previously, working as a curator for a London University, I tried to document the reflections of nurses and doctors on the topic of utopia by way of a booklet and exhibition made in 2015. ‘How do imperfect people embody utopian ideals?’ we had asked, responding to this large question by creating a Secret Society for Imperfect Nurses.
Straeon Byrion Cydweithredol Utopias Bach Collaborative Short Stories
Mae Seran Dolma, awdur Preswyl Utopias Bach wedi cychwyn ar brosiect i ysgrifennu cyfres o straeon byrion yn seiliedig ar sgyrsiau gyda cyfranogwyr a phartneriaid Utopias Bach.
Seran Dolma, Author in Residence at Utopias Bach, has embarked on a project to write a series of short stories based on conversations with participants and partners of Utopias Bach.
Cipolwg - Nano News
Llawer o bethau'n digwydd y mis hwn! Cymerwch gip - bydd croeso cynnes i bawb yn ein digwyddiadau, ac mae cyfleoedd i gael cyllid i gychwyn eich arbrofion Utopias Bach eich hun
Lots of things going on this month! Take a look - there’ll be warm welcome to all at our events, and there’s opportunities for funding to start up your own Utopias Bach experiments
Cipolwg - Nano News
Mis ‘ma, edrychwn ar sut y gallai Utopias Bach ein helpu ni ail-ymgysylltu â'n gilydd a'r byd, yn y gymuned ... a'r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael ar gyfer cymryd rhan, cynnal digwyddiadau, dogfennu a dysgu
This month, we look at how Utopias Bach might help us to re-engage with each other and the world, in community... and support available for taking part, hosting events, documenting and learning
Mewn hen iard nwyddau yn ymyl y traciau trên ar gyrion Bangor, mae byd newydd yn dod i fodolaeth. Mae gweiriau a blodau gwyllt yn gwthio’u ffordd trwy’r concrit, gwylanod yn nythu ar y tô, ac mae artistiaid wedi ymgartrefu yn y gweithdai. Mae’r lle yn flêr, ond mae’n flerwch ffyniannus, llawn dychymyg. Mae pethau yn tyfu yma, allan o bob rheolaeth. Darnau o fetel sgrap yn esblygu’n anghenfilod, teiars yn troi’n dorchau o babis duon, llechi yn arfwisg i amddiffyn corff merch. Mae pethau’n ansefydlog, yn y broses o droi’n rhywbeth arall, yn llawn potensial. ….
Cipolwg - Nano News
Mis ‘ma, this month: news of Arts Council Wales funding, work in schools, Utopias Bach Penrhyndeudraeth a’r cylch, Utopias Bach on facebook and instagram, and Metamorffosis, our very first Utopias Bach mini-festival 21 - 27 June…
Utopias Bach – Eglurhad Aneglur
Gan Seran Dolma, Ysgrifennwr Preswyl
Os wyt ti’n poeni am bethau mawr, ond yn teimlo’n fach, ni ‘di dy bobl di. Os ydi pethau fel morgrug a mwsogl yn bwysig i ti, dyma’r lle i ti. Os wyt ti’n rhyfeddu at brydferthwch y dafnau gwlith a’r wyrth ymhlyg ymhob egin, ond yn methu gwneud synnwyr o’r newyddion, tyrd i mewn…
Cipolwg - Nano News
Cyfleoedd cyffrous!
Our news and invitations this month includes invitations to take part in both ‘real world’ and online Utopias Bach events,
our new website, and lots of new little ‘experiments’ (others might call them projects) that are growing up from North Wales to Malawi!
Utopias Bach: Revolutions in Miniature by Wanda Zyborska
An artistic response to an overwhelming situation
Utopias/no places...whatever I might think about them, I am often planning them, or daydreaming about them, one way or another. I thought it might be useful to have some ideas at the ready, to start discussions, to avoid beginning in a void. So I dug into my swirl of un-realised ideas, kept somewhere at the lower back of my head, sometimes leaking into my body, and rising to the surface when stimulated by Samina and Lindsey's mini-utopia idea back in summer 2020, now materialising as Utopias Bach…
Utopias Bach @ Metamorffosis
It seems a bit surreal, imagining that we might be able to gather at some point in the next few months.
And if we can (an possibly even if we can’t), we have an opportunity to take part in the Metamorffosis Festival, in Bangor/Porthaethwy 21-27 June.This festival will follow on from the Surrealist Saffaru we put on last year, successfully hosted within COVID-19 regulations.
There are three things we are inviting you (and all interested, of all ages!) to create with us (as well as coming to the event itself of course)…
Cipolwg - Nano News
Our news and invitations this month includes an invitation from Julie Upmeyer at Plas Bodfa, to join a beautiful new Utopias Bach project, inspired by lockdown, possible within its constraints. Engage in a process, not an art work, that is to last a long time. The process will be observed and used as a point of connection to others in the project as well as to Plas Bodfa itself…