Sut i ddefnyddio’r Padled - How to use the Padlet.
Yma byddwn yn compostio’r ‘dail’ o’n Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed. Here we’ll compost the ‘leaves’ from our Tree Sense Experimental School.
So you can catch up on what’s been happening with recordings, works, words and sounds.
Please add to our compost!
Rhannwch eich canlyniadau: Share your results on:
Padlet (this is a shared space, where you can upload your findings, comment on others etc). See video for a very quick description on how to use it.
Cipolwg - a glimpse of the experience
Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed Utopias Bach Tree Sense Experimental School. Video compiled by Lindsey Colbourne from contributions and documentation during the school, including ‘Forest Comes to Pontio’ film of our closing event by Culture colony. This video was shown at Y Lle Celf, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, August 2023
Cofrestriadau gyda’r Ysgol Arbrofol - Registrations with The Experimental School
A Cab, Abby Poulson, Adrian Rothwell, Alex Ioannou, Alison Sherriff, Alison Stevenson, Alistair Alexander, Alys Wardle, Amanda Roberts, Amanda Shields, Andrea Bristow, Angharad Jones a’r teulu, Angharad Owen + Pip, Angharad Wilson, Anna Powell, Annys Webb, Anwen Roberts, Apphia Ferguson, Barbara Brown, Bea Kelsall, Becs Hardy-Griffith, Biddy Colbourne, Bronwen Banner, Caitlin Dear, Cara jones, Carole Shearman, Carys Anne Hughes, Cassandra Wye, Celene s diaz, Ceri Dalton, Ceri Loxton, Charlotte Ashbee, Charlotte Elvin, chiara pitrola, Chris Bird-Jones, Corrina Zarach, Dasha Moschonas, Deirdre Porter Hanson, Denni Turp, Dinah Guilfoyle, Elen Pennant, Ellen Davies, Emily Meilleur, Emily Wilkinson, Emma Jayne-Holmes, Esther Bloor, Famke Brittles, Femke van Gent, Fi Burford, Gaia Redgrave, Gill Collier, Hannah Evans, Hazwani binti Ibrahim, Helen Mcgreary, Heron Ray, Huw Jones, Iona Price, Irene Sofia Gonzalez Marin, Jane Campbell, Jayne Davies, Jenny Cashmore, Jenny Mcgugan, Jess Davidson, Jessica Bibby, Jo Alexander, Jodie mellor, Judèé Époh-Éèduj Hopè, John Hulme, Joy Smith, Julia Wilson, Kar Rowson, Karen Breeze, Karine decorne, Katie Trent, Kavitha Ravikumar, Kelly Marie O’Brien, Lauren Heckler, Lee Green, Liesbeth Williams, Lin Cummins, Liina Lember, Lindsey Colbourne, Lis Parsons, Lisa Hudson, Liv-Marie Lewis, Liz Jones-Griffiths, Lou Joye, Lowri Vaughan, Lucy Finchett-Maddock, Margaret Oliver, Martin Matthews, Mary Thomas, Mel Roberts, Meleri Jones, Menna Buss, Michael Jepson, Michèle Saint-Michel, Miranda Owen, Mitchell Bradley-Williams, Mushfiqa Jamaluddin, Nes Owen, Nia Dooley, Niamh Cunningham, Nici Beech, Nina Bentley, Nuala Dunn, Peter Boyd, Peter Davies, Petra Goetze, Phil Makin, Pilar Marin, Rhiannon Rees, Rhona Bowey, Rhys Trimble, Richard Edwards, Rike Neuhoff, Rita Ann Jones, Ruth Peterson, Sara Evelyn, Sarah Holyfield, Sarah Pogoda, Seran Dolma, Sian Barlow, Sian Williams, Silvia Padolini, Simone Bizzell-Browning, Simone Williams, Sophie Hughes, Steph Shipley, Sue Denim, Tim Cumine, Tina Rogers, Trine Moore, Valerie Lewis, Valmak Knowles, Vashti Zarach, Viv Ervine, Wanda Zyborska.
If you’d like to find out more about people in our community, and where we are all from….
Cylch 1: EGINO - 3.3.23 - 17.3.23

Yn ystod y ddwy wythnos gyntaf Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed, byddwn yn darganfod “Sut allen ni ddechrau asio a chysylltu gyda’n cymuned dynol a choedol mewn ffyrdd fydd yn newid ein synnwyr o’n hunain a’n perthnasau?”
During these first two weeks of the Experimental Treesense School, we are finding out “How can we begin to merge and connect with our human and tree community in ways that change our sense of self and kin?”
This included:
finding and bonding with your tree/copse/wood that will join you at the Experimental School
creating your Treesense name
beginning your creative explorations with a series of invitations
… and three events - a hybrid launch event and an experimental day and a Collaboratory zoom meeting.
Digwyddiad Lansiad - Launch event 3.3.23
Digwyddiad Lansiad At Ein Coed (Pontio/ar-lein hybrid). Y Gwahoddiad: Dewch i gyfarfod eraill, creu bathodyn enw/brigyn, cymerwch ran mewn darlun parhaus, gweld yr arddangosfa, gosodiadau a pherfformiadau gan Wanda Zyborska, Sarah Pogoda, Rhys Trimble ac Anna Powell.
The Treesense Launch Event (hyybrid Pontio/online via zoom). The invitation: Come and meet others, create a Tree Sense name/twig badge, take part in a continuous drawing, see the exhibition, installations and performances by Wanda Zyborska, Sarah Pogoda, Rhys Trimble and Anna Powell.
Ffilm gan Lindsey Colbourne (LinDer Be/Dwen)
Diwrnod Arbrofol EGINO Experimental Day 11.3.23
Dewch i egino efo ni (@Pontio ac ar-lein)! Come and germinate with us (@Pontio and online)!
18 of us met at Pontio / hybrid online to explore the beginnings of our forest community, with people attending from North Wales, Portugal and Berlin! We shared our Ysgol Arbrofol ‘bardic’ names, talked of experiencing the ‘personhood’ of trees, the surprise of finding trees we didn’t expect wanting to join us at the Ysgol Arbrofol, spending time with woods we know well in new ways, and thinking of the rights of trees (to be further explored in Cylch 5: Justice/Merched y tir). Angharad Wilson led us in a guided meditation to to discover our inner potential individually, and as a commumnity, with help from the forest, the plants and the trees. You are invited to try this at home:
Zoom recording
We were delighted to be joined by people on zoom. Rather than curating a specific zoom event as we had for the launch event, this was an experiment on just bringing people into the room on zoom. We had issues with sound quality (we hope we have now sorted that) and some activities didn’t work for zoom attendees. We have decided from now on that we will always have an ‘in zoom host’, and that these hybrid events will be designed for zoom people as well as in the room people!
EGINO Collaboratory (zoom) 15.3.23
This Collaboratory included a grounding meditation, discussion of what we have learned about the hybrid events - zoom + in the room (we need an ‘in zoom’ host, we need a better microphone - now sorted!, and curation from the zoom point of view), how to share results including our Padlet, and how to find things on our website.
Cylch 2: Susurration/Sibrwd y Coed
Gweithdy cerddi canghennog / Rhys Trimble / dendropoems workshop 18/3/23 @ Pontio, Bangor
Rhoi cynnig ar dair ffordd o greu cerddi canghennog - Try three ways to create dentropoems efo bardd Rhys Trimble
Dull ‘Torrydd’ - Magazine cut-up
Geiriau coed - arboreal words
Cerddi Canghenog - Arborescent poems
Gweithdy Susurration/Sibrwd y Coed Workshop 22.3.23 @ Pontio
At this workshop we expanded our social circle of trees by socialising with the trees resident at Pontio, asking the question “ How can we make equal and loving friendships with trees?”. We
listened to a message from a Guiding Guardian tree
did speed dating with the trees in Parc y Coleg, beside Pontio
made big drawings in collaboration with our new tree friends
chatted about how the Ysgol Arbrofol Experimental School was going.
Gweithdy Susurration/Sibrwd y Coed workshop: Defod - Ritual 29.3.23
Celebrating our loving and equal relationships with trees and the whole of humanity as one collective. At this hybrid event at Pontio and on zoom, we created a ritual space together, crafting a sacred object and making a personal commitment.
Cylch 3: Mudiad Mycelium Movement
Gweithdy 1.4.23 Workshop
Gweithdy 8.4.23 Workshop

Crone Cast a’r Hynafiaid : Crone Cast + the Ancients
Gweithdy 18.4.23 Workshop
Crone Cast yn eich gwhaodd chi i ymuno gyda ni yn ein harchwiliad i mewn i ddod yn goed hynafol ac yn hen wrach, ac i ymuno yn ein protest yn erbyn esgeuluso a dinistrio coed hynafol. Dechreuwn gyda chyflwyniad am berfformio’n hen wrach ac yn goeden hynafol. Ehangwch a thrysorwch eich dychmyg. (Pontio, Bangor)
Crone Cast invite you to accompany us in our investigation into becoming ancient tree and crone, and to join in our protest against the neglect and destruction of ancient trees. We will start with an introduction to the genesis of Crone Cast, begin costume making, and thinking and conversations about performing crone and ancient tree. Expand and treasure your imagination.
And Anna Powell helped us to find ways to develop our ‘tree language’ - you can try this at home!
Crone Cast a’r Hynafiaid 22.4.23
We were joined by the Y Fyny Associates from Oriel Myrddin, Camarthen: making costumes, talking about Utopias Bach, the Experimental School and becoming with Crone and Ancient Tree… and an impromptu dress rehearsal and performance!
Cylch 5: Justice + Merched y Tir
Yn ystod y ddwy wythnos yma yn yr Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed, byddwn yn archwilio:
“Sut allwn ni ail-ddychmygu ein perthynas gyda thir a choed ar gyfer cyfiawnder cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol ac atgenhedlol?”
During these two weeks of the Experimental Treesense School, we will be exploring:
“How can we re-imagine our relationships with land and trees for social, environmental and reproductive justice?”
Siarter y Coed - Charter of the Trees 3.5.23 (hybrid Zoom + Pontio)
Pa hawliau y mae coed eu heisiau? Pa hawliau sydd ganddyn nhw? Pa hawliau allen nhw eu cael? Pa goed allwn ni eu helpu? Beth os dydi coed ddim eisiau hawliau? Mae’r rhain oll yn gwestiynau pwysig y buasen ni’n hoffi eu gofyn er mwyn meddwl am ffyrdd o ddefnyddio’r gyfraith sydd gennym ni’n barod, i greu Siarter y Coed er mwyn diogelu hawliau coed yr ydyn ni ein hunain yn eu caru a’u nabod, yn ogystal â’r rheini tu hwnt.
“We would like to invite all creatures, whether arboreal or none, to join and learn of their rights, what their lore, and law, can teach us; and how we may advocate for them by re-imagining and re-awakening the legal frameworks we have (in partnership with Bangor Uni, The LORE School and GwyrddNi)…”
Siarter y Coed - Scroll - Charter of the Trees 10.5.23
At this session, we took the results of the Siarter y Coed workshop and turned them into a giant scroll. Without any pre-plan, we worked together in an almost magical way, to put the scroll together in just 2 hours! Lisa Hudson is going to sew the results together to create the final object. We will use this scroll at the Forest Comes to Pontio exhibition/performance on 27th May
Mapping Parc y Coleg for social and environmental justice 7.5.23
Ciosg Celf Art Kiosk 4.5.23
Sgyrsiau a pherfformiadau gan Utopias Bach ac Artistiaid At Ein Coed eraill
A night of performance including a panel discussion about the At Ein Coed exhibition and residency at Pontio, and Birch Wood performance by Utopias Bach ( poetry by Steph Shipley and Anna Powell, improvised sound and composition by Ellen Davies, Mudiad Mycelium Movement and Crone Cast Birches and installation)
Coedwig yn dod i Pontio - Forest Comes to Pontio 27.5.23
Y ddiweddglo dramatig i’n preswyliad 3 mis Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed Utopias Bach! The dramatic ending to our 3 month Utopias Bach Tree Sense Experimental School residency!
Arddangosfa - Exhibitoin
Perfformiad - Performance