12.5.23 - 27.5.23
Croeso i Gylch 6: Welcome to Cylch 6
During these two weeks of the Experimental Treesense School, we will be bringing everything together in an improvised performance as the Forest Comes to Pontio, a reinvention of The Forest Comes to Dunsinane in McBeth
We invite you to:
1. Join the Experimental School
If you haven’t already, please join the Experimental School for FREE by registering here. We will then send you a welcome pack to the school, and details and resources for taking part in this Cylch. If you have registered, this will be sent to you automatically.
2. Aseiniad - Assignment
Now we are nearing the end of the Experimental School we are wondering how has your experience been of the Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed Utopias Bach Tree Sense Experimental School?
During the last few weeks, to help us get a collective sense of how it has been, we would like you to create and submit one piece of work inspired by/in response to your time at the Tree Sense Experimental School.
Your submission could be from any – or all - of the Cylchoedd and in any form, and any language eg
• a sentence of feedback • creative writing • notes • drawings • poems • films • audio • costumes • 3-D • paintings • sewing • books • posters • banners • photos • placards • maps … or any combination
Submissions may be shown at Pontio and/or on our website, and will be credited to you, unless you request otherwise.
🍄 🌴🌱🌳🌿💭🧶
Submit by 22nd May 2023 to be shown at Forest Comes to Pontio (or ANYTIME!)
Electronically via our:
Instagram #utopiasbach #ateichcoed #treesense #experimentalschool
Via email (or WeTransfer):
By post to: Utopias Bach, Coed Gwydr, Nant Peris LL55 4UL
OR bring to the 27th May Forest Comes to Pontio to install between 10am – 1pm.
You will have free run of Pontio to install your work however you wish (please bring what you need with you).
On submission you will receive a ‘Certificate of Unfurling’ to mark your graduation!
Llun: Lindsey Colbourne
3. Join us at events @ Pontio/online
During these last two weeks of the Experimental Treesense School, we will be bringing everything together in an improvised performance as the Forest Comes to Pontio, a reinvention of The Forest Comes to Dunsinane in McBeth.
During this Cylch you are invited to share your Assignment (one or more pieces of work/reflections that you’d like to share from being part of the Ysgol Arbrofol) and to join us for:
Wednesday 17th May 11 - 12.30: Collaboratory (zoom)
Saturday 27th May
At Pontio:
10-1: Drop in Assemblage Bring everything you’ve made from the last 12 weeks and find a place to exhibit/install/play your work!
1 - 3: Preparation We will plan the ‘performance’ and get our costumes ready for…
3-4pm: Performance. Come and watch / be part of the Forest Comes to Pontio performance
On Zoom 2-4pm
Sharing and discussing results of the Tree School including glimpses of the events and installations at Pontio, culminating in joining the happening at Pontio, and contributing to it from about 3.30.
Pobl sy’n creu Cylch 6: People creating Cylch 6
This Cylch is being created by:
Lisa Hudson (coordinator)
Wanda Zyborska
Emily Meilleur
Lindsey Colbourne
Steph Shipley
Crone Cast
Mudiad Mycelium Movement
And many more!