Trawsffurfiad - a little more-than-human entanglement
- Gwaithdy/Workshop 26-27.6.2021
The Invitation:
“Shake off your human limitations by travelling into a parallel world, shapeshifting into a more-than-human being on the way (animal, vegetable or mineral or hybrids thereof) to seek prescient insights and advice for our human selves. We will return with gifts to create tiny glimpses – Utopias Bach - that will bring another world just that little bit closer.”
This was a 'guided visualisation’ workshop, with option to create something to add to GEOCACHE BACH). You can see and hear the results below.
We have also made a recording, for you to go on the journey as you wish
Y Gwahoddiad:
“Cael gwared â dy gyfyngiadau dynol trwy deithio i fyd cyfochrog, gan symud i fodolaeth fwy-na-dynol ar y ffordd (anifail, llysiau neu fwynau neu hybridau ohono) i geisio gweld i mewn a chael cyngor cydwybodol ar gyfer ein hunain. Byddwn yn dychwelyd efo anrhegion i greu cipolwg bach - Utopias Bach - sydd yn dod â byd arall ychydig yn agosach.”
Gweithdy 'delweddu tywysedig' oedd hwn (un yn y Gymraeg, un yn Saesneg), gydag opsiwn i greu rhywbeth i'w ychwanegu at GEOCACHE BACH).
Hefyd, dan ni gwneud rhai recordiadau, i ti fynd ar y daith fel ti eisiau.
Video of people’s experience of the Trawsffurfiad - shape shifting workshop

Gwrando ar y profiad trawsffurfio/Listen to the experience of shape shifting
Exquisite Corps gan Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska a Lindsey Colbourne

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing”
- Arundhati Roy
House for money spiders gan Ellis
Misguided visualisation gan Wanda Zyborksa