Penwythnos Utopias Bach Weekend

Mis Mehefin 11 & 12 June 2022

 Ym Mehefin, dan ni’n gwahodd pawb sy’n cyfrannu (neu ddim yn cyfrannu eto!) i ddod at ei gilydd i gael profiadau, myfyrio a dathlu pobl elfen o’r planhigyn mefus esblygedig ag yr ydi Utopias Bach.
B’asen ni wrth ein boddau petaech chi’n bod yn rhan ohono fo!

In June, we are inviting all involved - whether you have been with us from the beginning or have just come upon us now - to gather, experience, reflect and celebrate all aspects of the evolving Utopias Bach strawberry plant.
We’d love you to be part of it!

This page includes the original invitations, and links to the results.

Dau ddiwrnod - Two days


11eg Mehefin “Cysylltiadau Creadigol”
@ Draig Beats, Gerddi Treborth

Mae Draig Beats yn ŵyl un-dydd, gymunedol sy’n berffaith i deuluoedd. Eleni, bydd Cerddoriaeth, Therapïau, Iechyd a Lles, Crefft Coed, Canu a mwy!

Hoffen ni ddod â “cysylltiadau creadigon” i’r parti. Dan ni eisiau dod â bodau dynol, llefydd a’r mwy-na’r-dynol ynghyd trwy sgwrs, cymuned a chreadigrwydd. Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn ymgysylltu gyda phobl sy’n newydd i Utopias Bach yn ogystal ag aelodau gweithredol.

  • Gofod sgwrsio

  • Gwelediadau tywys trawsffurfiol a gweithdy ymgorfforiad i brofi bod yn fod gwahanol (2yh)

  • Helfa drysor sylwi o utopias bach

    ewch ar helfa drysor ac ychwanegwch eich cliwiau eich hunain i eraill ddod o hyd iddynt

  • TEXTure - dadgodio sumbolau Asemig

  • Picnic mwy-na-dynol - dewch â’ch picnic eich hun ac ymunwch gyda 10 o westeiwyr mwy-na-dynol mewn 10 lleoliad

11th June “Creative Connections”
@ Draig Beats, Treborth Gardens

Draig Beats is a day long, family friendly community festival.  This year there will be Music, Therapies, Health & Wellbeing, Woodcraft, Singing and more!

We would like to bring “creative connections” to the party. We want to bring together humans, place, more-than-human in conversation, community and creativity. This event will be engaging people new to Utopias Bach as well as active members.

  • A space for conversation

  • Trawsffurfiad guided visualisations and embodiment workshop to experience becoming another being (2pm)

  • A noticing treasure hunt of tiny utopias - go on the treasure hunt and add your own clues for others to find

  • TEXTure - decoding Asemic symbols

  • More-than-human picnic - bring your own picnic and join 10 more-than-human hosts in 10 locations

Utopias Bach @ Draig Beats


12fed Mehefin ‘Utopias Bach - Dadadeiladu’r Gynhadledd’ @Plas Bodfa, Llangoed

Mae gynnon ni’r defnydd o’r tŷ cyfan a’r 35 ystafell ynddo, y tŷ gwydr a’r gerddi ym Mhlas Bodfa i ddod â’r rhannau amrywiol o’r planhigyn mefus at ei gilydd i weld yr hyn dan ni wedi ei wneud, ble’r ydan ni, beth nesa’.

Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn agored i bawb, ac wedi ei ffocysu ar y rhai sy’n ymwneud ag Utopias Bach.

• profiad ymdrwythol sain a fideo Y Llais Bach • Ystafell Fapio • Picnic Mwy-na’r-Dynol • Ystafell Begynnau • Cyflwyniadau, gweithdai a thrafodaethau • Cyfnewidfa Cardyn Post • ystafell sinema Utopias Bach

• Cerddorfa ‘Lastig Band


12th June “Utopias Bach - a Deconstructed Conference” @ Plas Bodfa, Llangoed

We have got free run of the 35 room house, greenhouse and gardens at Plas Bodfa. The deconstructed conference will be for those involved in Utopias Bach (and open to all), bringing together the various parts of the strawberry plant to exchange experiences, ideas, learnings, to see what we’ve done, where we are at and what next. We are celebrating 1.5 years of becoming!

• Y Llais Bach immersive experience of sound and video • Mapping Room • More-than-human Picnic • Polarities Room • Presentations, workshops and discussions • Postcard Exchange • Utopias Bach Cinema room • Moss Room • ‘Lastig Band Orchestra