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Sculptural Sewing Group

Sculptural Sewing Group

Are you interested in taking part in a sculptural sewing group? We are re-making the Veil sculpture for the H M Stanley statue in Denbigh’s annual re-veiling ceremony in protest at statues celebration imperial colonialism. The old one is falling to bits after 13 years!

The first meeting will be on 15 May 10 – 12, venue in Bangor to be decided. The workshops will take place every fortnight, until August 2024.

The sessions will be open to anyone who is interested in coming to sew, and to take part in discussions and conversation. Please let me know if you are interested and I will add you to the list.

I look forward to hearing from you! All welcome! Email Wanda

7 June

Agoriad Kar's opening!

26 June

Sculptural Sewing Group