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Look Closer - don't forget the little things. An accessible mooch with Kar Rowson

Beth sy'n gwneud taith gerdded dda? Ai’r pellter a gwmpesir, yr uwchgynadleddau a gyrhaeddwyd, neu ai amrywiaeth gyfoethog y dirwedd a’r profiadau a rennir?

Fe'ch gwahoddir i ddod i rannu'r profiad o daith gerdded fach, ar draws tir cyfoethog, gan sylwi ar Utopias Bach a bydoedd bob yn ail.

Yn hygyrch i gadeiriau olwyn, ond efallai ychydig yn fwdlyd!

Cyfarfod am Bont Rig 1.30yp Dydd Sadwrn 25 Medi

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What makes a good walk? Is it the distance covered, the summits reached, or is it the rich diversity of landscape and experiences shared?

You are invited to come and share the experience of a small walk, across a rich terrain, noticing Utopias Bach and alternate worlds.

Wheelchair accessible, but perhaps a little muddy!

Meet at the bridge to Parc Meurig 1.30 pm Saturday 25th September

24 September

Gŵyl Afon Ogwen River Festival

3 October

Cyfarfod Casgliad Aurora Gathering