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Mis Rhagfyr/December Cyfarfod Collaboratory Meeting: Reflections

Hosted by Lisa Hudson, Head of Reflective Practice, Utopias Bach

At Cledwyn Room at Bangor University Main Arts building, Bangor

If we are always looking forward, we will never understand how far we have come. December’s collaboratory is an opportunity to share our Utopias Bach journeys so far. Where were we at the start? What have we seen on the way? Where are we now? Are we following a path or walking in circles? Are we travelling together or finding our own ways?

This collaboratory is in two parts (the first part is on zoom on Weds 15th December) - you are invited to attend one or other or both!

This meeting will be in ‘real life’ and we will collaboratively reflect, through games and conversation, to create a picture of Utopias Bach as it is now, and to find the questions that will fuel our continued journey. 

For directions see here: Cledwyn Room at Bangor University Main Arts building, Bangor

18 December

Call for Contributions: Small Scale Solutions: Re-inventing the live event

9 January

Cyfarfod Casgliad Aurora Gathering