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Preswyl: Residency: Utopias Bach & Cwrdd â Ni Wrth yr Afon, Oriel Mostyn

DYDDIADAU: 4 Awst, 12 Awst, 18 Awst, 25 Awst
AMSER: 12:30 – 14:30

Bydd Utopias Bach a’r bobl a’r planhigion sy’n rhan o ‘cwrdd â mi wrth yr afon’ yn rhan o breswyliad cydweithredol drwy gydol yr haf i ymateb i comisiwn Gofod Prosiect Mostyn a ddatblygwyd gan Mostyn a’r artist Frances Disley.

Yn ystod y cyfnod preswyl arbrofol hwn, bydd artistiaid, planhigion a’r clwb yn cydweithio i archwilio prosesau sy’n anelu at feithrin cysylltiadau dyfnach sy’n dod â’r dynol a’r mwy-na-dynol at ei gilydd.

Mae gennym nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd o hyd ar gyfer aelodau newydd i’r clwb ‘cwrdd â mi wrth yr afon’. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn bod yn rhan o’r prosiect hwn, cysylltwch â am fwy o fanylion.

Cefnogir y cyfnod preswyl hwn gan gyllid Gwynt Y Môr CVCS.

Mwy o fanylion yma


DATES: 4 August, 12 August, 18 August, 25 August
TIME: 12:30 – 14:30

Utopias Bach and the people and plants that make up cwrdd â mi wrth yr afon will be part of a collaborative residency throughout the summer to respond to Mostyn’s Project Space commission developed by Mostyn and artist Frances Disley.

During this experimental residency, artists, plants and the club will work together to explore processes that aim to foster deeper connections that bring together the human and more-than-human.

We still have a limited number of spaces for new members of the cwrdd â mi wrth yr afon club. If you are interested in being a part of this project, please contact for more details. 

This residency is supported by Gwynt Y Môr CVCS funding.

For more details see here

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