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Collaboratory - Maniffesto o Le: Towards a Manifesto of Place

As part of the Being Human festival, we’re running a collaboratory to engage with the complex history and inter-species agencies embodied by Bangor University’s George Building at Normal Site Campus. LL57 2PZ.

Come and re-imagine Normal Site Campus for a More than human future. Creatively explore how human and more than human people break through to new relationships with place. You can share your own connections with Normal Site, intervene creatively with its current state of being or express your visions for the future. All contributions will be brought together to create a Manifesto of Place.

Our collaboratory is part of Hwb Bangor, led by Bangor University, which is “exploring the relationship between the population of North-West Wales and the environment which surrounds them, helping to break through barriers of understanding towards a better co-existence. With workshops, activities and events covering topics including archaeology, avant-garde art, creative writing, digital co-curation, museum objects, medical humanities, plant life and religion, Hwb Bangor will encourage co-creation and self-reflection both informed by and enhancing innovative new research in the arts and humanities.” See the full programme here


Even if the weather is terrible, we will be spending a bit of time outdoors. Please bring appropriate clothing, ie waterproofs etc. If you wish to meander off the paths/roads (not compulsory!), there are lawns and muddy areas so bring appropriate footwear.

Be prepared to stay outdoors in one spot for 20 minutes. You may wish to have a chair or something to sit on.

Where to park

Getting there: Bangor University’s George Building at Normal Site Campus. LL57 2PZ.

(Accessible) Parking is available either just before entering the Normal Site Campus (next to "Tir na n-Og", the Daycare and Child Research Centre) or next to George Building further down the Campus. We will meet at Georg Building.

If you require or want to offer a lift to and from Bangor Normal Site Campus, please do get in touch with Sarah:

A second Collaboratory, on 19.11.22 will focus on A maniffesto of inter-species kindness.

Dewch i'r gweithdy awyr agored unigryw hwn sy'n archwilio'r hanes cymhleth a'r effaith ddynol ar yr amgylchedd o amgylch y Fenai.

Yn dilyn cyflwyniad, bydd y cyfranogwyr yn cael eu gwahodd i gymryd rhan mewn myfyrdod byr dan arweiniad, yn canolbwyntio ar yr amgylchoedd lleol, ac yna’n cael eu gwahodd i archwilio ac ymateb i’r amgylchedd lleol trwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau celfyddydau gweledol. Bydd y grŵp wedyn yn dod at ei gilydd i rannu eu cysylltiadau eu hunain â'r ardal ac i gyfrannu at 'Maniffesto o Le'.

Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg. Bydd te, coffi a bisgedi ar gael. Mae croeso i bob oedran fynychu, er nad yw'r digwyddiad hwn wedi'i deilwra'n benodol ar gyfer plant ifanc. Sylwch fod y digwyddiad hwn i fod i gael ei gynnal yn yr awyr agored. Cynghorir dillad ac esgidiau addas. Os bydd y tywydd yn wael, bydd y gweithgaredd hwn yn symud dan do i Adeilad George.

Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn ategu  'A Manifesto of Inter-Species Kindness' taking place on 19 November.

Gwybodaeth hygyrchedd
Mae'r gweithgaredd hwn i fod i gael ei gynnal yn yr awyr agored. Os bydd tywydd gwael, bydd y gweithgaredd hwn yn symud dan do yn Adeilad George. Cysylltwch â'r trefnydd ynglŷn â gofynion mynediad penodol.

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn rhan o Hyb Gŵyl Prifysgol Bangor

Archebwch nawr

Rhagor o wybodaeth

6 November

Cyfarfod Casgliad Aurora Gathering

16 November

From Avant Garde to Afongad - A Happening