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Collaboratory Mis Gorffenaf - July: Ailddychmygu’r Oriel/Re-imagining the Gallery @ Oriel Brondanw, Llanfrothen, Penrhyndeudraeth LL48 6SW

Collaboratory Mis Gorffennaf – Oriel Brondanw 11yb – 2:00yh

Gwahoddir chi i Oriel Brondanw i ailddychmygu’r oriel / tŷ yma fel petai chi’n byw yma, neu fel petai’r tŷ yn berson, neu fel petai croeso i bob math o fodau ymweld ac ymgartrefu yma.  Cyfle i ailystyried beth yw pwrpas a rôl lle fel hyn.  Cyfle i fwynhau cacen, paned, gwisgo i fynnu, cambihafio, creu, a chael gweledigaeth o isymwybod Plas Brondanw. 

Rhaglen o ryw fath:

11:00 – Cyrraedd, paned, cacen. 

11:30 – Myfyrdod - ymdawelu ac ymgysylltu a’r lleoliad

12:00 – Archwilio’r tŷ, ymateb i wahoddiadau gosod yn unigol neu ar y cyd

1:00 – Cinio – bydd cawl figan di-glwten ar gael, neu dewch a picnic

1:30 -   Dod at ein gilydd i drafod a dehongli, casglu ein ymatebion

2:00 – Gorffen

July CollaboratoryOriel Brondanw 11am -2:00pm

You are invited to Oriel Brondanw to re-imagine this gallery / house as if you lived here, or as if the house was a person, or that all types of beings were welcome to visit and settle here. An opportunity to rethink the purpose and role of such a place. Enjoy a cake, a cup of tea, dress up, misbehave, create, and have a vision from the subconscious of Plas Brondanw.

Rough plan: 

11:00 - Arrive, cuppa, cake.

11:30 – Grounding meditation

12:00 - Explore the house, respond to set invitations individually or collectively

1:00 – Lunch.  A vegan, gluten free soup will be provided, or you can bring your own

1:30 - Get together for discussion and interpretation, gather our responses

2:00 - End

If you have an idea for a way to document this Collaboratory meeting, email We have budget to support this role

There is step free access at the main entrance (this is the side view!). There is Blue Badge parking opposite the entrance and cafe. Email Seran if you have any access questions - this is an old house and not fully wheelchair accessible:

If you would like to lift share, please email saying where you are starting from, by Friday 22 July!

20 July

Collaboratory Mis Gorffenaf - July

25 July

Taith Barddoniaeth Panorama Poetry Walk, Llangollen - Sarah Louise Wheeler