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Chwedlau'r Tir Dyffryn Peris

Chwedlau’r Tir

Canthrig Bwt: Wanda Zyborska/Lindsey Colbourne 2024

7yh/pm Y Ganolfan Llanberis 5.6.24

Sgwrs efo Dafydd Whiteside Thomas.

Rhita Gawr, Cerrig Arthur, Canthrig Bwt, Igyn Gawr, Cawres Peris, Tylwyth Teg, Llechi Llyfnion, Padell y Brain, Cwm Dwythwch, Carreg Noddyn, Moel Eilio………..

Dewch i archwilio chwedlau’r tir Dyffryn Peris

Beth mae’r straeon hyn am le yn ei ddweud wrthym am y gorffennol, y presennol a’r dyfodol?

Sut gallwn ni ddarganfod mwy?

Sut gallem ni ail-ddychmygu ac ailadrodd y straeon? (Dyma enghraifft)

Come and explore the legends of the land in Dyffryn Peris

What do these stories of place tell us about the past, present and future?

How can we find out more?

How could we re-imagine and retell the stories?(here’s an example)


Stori’r Tir

29 May

Sculptural Sewing Group

7 June

Agoriad Kar's opening!