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Agoriad Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet Storiel Curious Conversation

Storiel, Bangor

Dydd Sadwrn 14.9.24 Saturday

1yh/pm - 2yh/pm

[Sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet?

[How to get] inside and outside the cabinet?

Ymunwch gyda ni i ddeffro’r cabinet, gyda pherfformiad (Wanda Zyborska + Sarah Pogoda), helfa drysor, cardiau post a sgwrs!

Join us in activating the cabinet, with performance (Wanda Zyborska + Sarah Pogoda), treasure hunt, postcards and conversation!

14 September

Sgwrs Chwilgar Storiel Curious Conversation

15 September

Gweithdy Adrodd Stori’r Tir : Telling the Story of the Land Workshop