Yn y Collaboratory hwn, rydym yn eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni am drafodaeth am wahanol ddulliau o ddysgu, a sut y gallem ddefnyddio’r rhain mewn rhaglenni cyd-ddysgu o fewn Utopias Bach yn y dyfodol (e.e. Ysgol Chwyn - Weeds School, Cwrs Bach Utopias Bach yn y dyfodol). Gallai hyn hefyd gynnwys siarad am ‘ddechrau eto’ fel syniad. Beth sy'n dechrau eto? Sut gall y syniad hwn gefnogi dulliau dysgu
In this Collaboratory, we invite you to join us for a discussion about different approaches to learning (eg ‘discovery learning’, child centred learning'), and how we might use these in future co-learning programmes within Utopias Bach (eg the Ysgol Chwyn - Weeds School, future Cwrs Utopias Bach Course). This might also include talking about ‘starting again’ as an idea. What is starting again? How can this idea support learning approaches
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30am to find out more about how our meetings work and to ask any questions/tell us of any access (or other) needs.
Video recommended by Sarah Holyfield