Dadadeiladu’r Gynhadledd/
Deconstructed Conference
Plas Bodfa, Llangoed
Dan ni’n dathlu 1.5 blwyddyn o flaguro!
We are celebrating 1.5 years of becoming!
Come to our ‘deconstructed conference’ in the house and grounds at Plas Bodfa to explore what Utopias Bach has been doing over the last 1.5 years (with funding over the last 11 months), exchange experiences and ideas and imagine what next.
All welcome!
We’d love you to join us for the whole day, and you are also welcome to join for just parts of it.
Dewch i’n diwrnod ‘dadadeiladu’r gynhadledd’ o fewn y tŷ ac ar dir Plas Bodfa i archwilio beth mae Utopias Bach wedi bod yn ei wneud ers 1.5 blwyddyn (gyda chyllid dros yr 11 mis diwethaf), cyfnewidiwch brofiadau a syniadau a dychmygu beth nesaf.
Croeso i bawb!
Mi f’asen ni wrth ein boddau i chi ymuno â ni am y diwrnod cyfan, neu mae croeso i chi hefyd ddod am ran ohono’n unig.
You are invited to bring:
- a picnic
- anything Utopias Bach that you’d like to show including
any postcards you have received in the Postcard Exchange
any maps you have drawn eg of your relationship/significant moments with Utopias Bach
any miniatures you’ve made or found, or art objects, drawings etc about Utopias Bach
Gwahoddir chi i ddod â:
- Picnic
- Unrhyw beth Utopias Bach yr hoffech chi ei ddangos
Unrhyw gardiau post rydych wedi eu derbyn yn y Gyfnewidfa Gardiau Post
Unrhyw fapiau rydych wedi eu darlunio e.e. o’ch perthynas/ennydau arwyddocaol gydag Utopias Bach
Unrhyw bethau bach rydych wedi eu gwneud neu ddod o hyd iddynt, gwrthrychau celf, darluniau ayb am Utopias Bach
11.00 Initiation
receive your gifts and questions, add things you’ve brought with you
Postcard making workshop with Steph Shipley
12.00 Pursuing the Polarities
collaborative installation, performance and exploration with Wanda Zyborska
13.00 More-than-human picnic
visit 10 picnic stations around the grounds with more-than-human hosts. With Ffion and Julie Upmeyer
14.30 Collaborative Mapping with Lisa Hudson
15.30 Mindful movement with non-humans with Samina Ali
16.30 Collaboratory discussion: What next?
17.30 Rubber Band Orchestra Celebrating by creating elastic band music together
11.00 Cychwyniad
derbyn eich anrhegion a chwestiynau,
ychwanegu pethau bach rydych chi wedi ddod gyda chi
Gweithdy gwneud cerdyn post gyda Steph Shipley
12.00 Mynd ar drywydd y Pegynnau
gosodiad cydweithredol, perfformiad ac archwiliad gyda Wanda Zyborska
13.00 Picnic mwy-na-dynol
ymweld a 10 gorsaf bicnic o gwmpas tir y plas gyda gwestweiwyr mwy-na-dynol. Gyda Ffion a Julie Upmeyer
14.30 Mapio cydweithredol gyda Lisa Hudson
15.30 Symudiad meddylgar gyda’r mwy-na-dynol gyda Samina Ali
16.30 Trafodaeth Collaboratory: Beth nesa’?
17.30 Cerddorfa Lastig Band Dathlu gan greu cerddoriaeth lastig band gyda’n gilydd
Trwy’r dydd – All Day
spaces to experience, socialise and reflect
Y Llais Bach Room - listen to the big, little voices from Wales and across the world responding to the concept of utopia
Mapping Room - an exhibition of our various mapping experiments and add your own
Postcard Exchange - walk through (and add to) our Collaboratory postcard insights installation
Cinema Room - a world of Utopias Bach in tiny films
Greenhouse Methodologies Toolkit – time/space for processing
Aurora Room - are you willing to express what is in your heart in this moment? What is dawning in your realisation about your lived experience and life path?
Room of turf and mirrors
Cathedral of the Trees
Nest room
Succession - a peek into process with some peculiar particles
Mini-installations - treasure hunt around the house for Utopias Bach (and add your own)
gofodau i brofi, cymdeithasu a myfyrio
Ystafell Y Llais Bach – gwrandewch ar leisiau bach, mawr o Gymru a bob cwr o’r byd yn ymateb i’r syniad o utopia
Ystafell Fapio – arddangosfa o’n harbrofion mapio amrywiol ac ychwanegwch eich un chi
Cyfnewidfa Cerdyn Post – cerddwch trwy (ac ychwanegwch at) ein gosodiad cerdyn post cydweithredol /
Ystafell Sinema – byd o Utopias Bach ar ffurf ffilmiau bach, bach
Offer Methodoleg Tŷ Gwydr – amser/gofod i brosesu
Ystafell Awrora – ydych chi’n fodlon mynegi beth sydd yn eich calon yr ennyd hon? Beth sy’n gwawrio arnoch wrth i chi feddwl am eich profiadau bywyd a thrywydd eich bywyd?
Ystafell Tywarch a Drych
Cathedral of the Trees
Ystafell Nyth
Olyniaeth – cipolwg ar broses gyda gronynnau rhyfeddol
Mini-osodiadau – helfa drysor o gwmpas y tŷ i chwilota am Utopias Bach (ac ychwanegwch eich rhai chi)
Bathodynnau cwestiwn! Question badges!
Come and choose yours! These are the original questions that the Utopias Bach Collaboratory write back in October 2020 - 18 months on, we'll be reflecting on what we've found out