Capel Problemau Heb Ateb
The Chapel of Unsolvable Problems …. what is YOUR unsolvable problem … what is mine?
Creu by Sarah Pogoda (Utopias Bach Collaboratory 26.4.22)
Does dim lle terfynol i adael gwastraff niwclear, dim ond hirbahad o atgyfodiadau. Mae niwclear yn dod nôl o hyd ac o hyd i'n hatgoffa i rhoi’r gorau i'n huchelgeisiau o datrys problemau. Mae’n ein hatgoffa ni i addoli problemau. Mae datrys problemau ond yn creu problemau mwy. Gwastraff niwclear ydy’r ffurf gelfyddydol berffaith o broblem. Mae trwsio yn dwyll, ac iechydwriaeth hefyd. Arhoswch gyda'r drafferth. Haleliwia!
Gadewch i ni brosesu, bod yn feddyliol, gwneud ffilm - nid yw celf yn ateb neu’n broblem. Mae'n orymdaith. -
There is no final deposit site for nucleart waste, but a hirbarhad of resurrections. Nucleart returns and returns and returns for reminding us to resign from our ambitions to resolve problems. Reminding us to worship problems. Solving problems only creates bigger problems. Nuclear waste is the ultimate artform of a problem. Repair is delusion, as is redemption. Stay with the trouble. Hallelujah!
Let’s process, be mental, make film – art is not an answer nor a problem. It is procession. -
Ffilm gan Steph Shipley
Lluniau gan Huw Jones