Y Llais Bach: Udiad Bach o Benrhyndeudraeth i’r byd
Llun gan Jill Dimond Art
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Arbrawf gan Llinos Griffin a Steffan Harri
Mae un gair bach yn gallu cael effaith mawr. Effaith ar deimladau ac emosiwn. Effaith ar weithredoedd. Effaith ar unigolyn. Effaith byd-eang. Yn yr un modd, mae un sŵn yn gallu cael effaith mawr. Mae adar wrth gwrs yn defnyddio eu cân i ddenu cymar. Mae bleiddiaid yn udo i yrru negeseuon at fleiddiaid eraill sydd yn bell i ffwrdd. Ac mae sawl creadur gyda llais yn ei ddefnyddio fel ymateb i boen.
Dyma pham mae hi mor bwysig i ninnau fel bodau dynol wneud yr un fath – defnyddio’n Llais Bach – i ddenu pobl o’r un anian â ni, i gyfathrebu ar yr un lefel gyda’r rhai pell i ffwrdd ac ia, hefyd, i ddatgan poen.
Mae yngan gair bach fel cymryd cam ymlaen. Mae bob gair bach yn un cam bach ac wrth gamu ymlaen, does wybod lle’r awn ni.
Dw i ynghanol arbrawf Y Llais Bach – yn casglu recordiadau o synau iwtopaidd, geiriau a brawddegau bach. Hyd yn hyn, mae pobl o Gymru a gwledydd eraill ar draws y byd wedi defnyddio’u llais a hynny mewn sawl iaith wahanol i gyfrannu at yr arbrawf. Mae’r Llais Bach wedi cyrraedd yr Unol Daleithiau, Canada, Brasil a Sbaen. Mae rhai wedi crybwyll y pethau bach cysurus sy’n rhoi pleser iddyn nhw bob dydd a dywediadau pwysig i’w cadw mewn cof mewn byd dryslyd. Mae awduron ac artistiaid wedi anfon dyfyniadau o’u llyfrau neu waith celf. Mae Katy o São Paulo a ddaeth ar draws y Llais Bach ar twitter yn datgan y geiriau bach sy’n hollbwysig iddi hi gofio tra’n byw dan arlywyddiaeth erchyll asgell dde Bolsonaro. Y geiriau bach, mawr. Y geiriau bach, mawr sy’n gwrthsefyll.
Ydi, mae geiriau’n bellgyrhaeddol – yn udiad bach o Benrhyndeudraeth i ben draw’r byd sydd, yn barod, wedi dod â phobl oedd yn ddieithriaid at ei gilydd i dir cyffredin o bosib.
Os fasech chi’n licio anfon recordiad i mewn o swn iwtopaidd, geiriau o gysur neu geiriau sy’n gwrthsefyll, mae croeso i chi eu hanfon ata i, Llinos ar: gwefus.cymru@gmail.com
Y Llais Bach: A Little Howl from Penrhyndeudraeth to the world
An experiment by Llinos Griffin and Steffan Harri
One little word can have a big impact. An impact on feelings and emotions. An impact on actions. An impact on the individual. An international impact. In the same way, sounds can have a great impact. Birds sing to attract a mate. Wolves howl to send messages to other wolves that are faraway. Many a creature uses their voice as a response to pain.
This is why it is so important for us as humans to do the same – to use our Llais Bach (our little voice) – to attract people with the same mindset, to communicate with those who are far and yes, as a response to pain.
Uttering a little word is like taking a step forward. Every little word is a small step and as we step forward, no one knows where we could get to.
I’m currently working on Y Llais Bach – a collection of little utopic sounds, words and sentences. So far, people from Cymru and across the world have used their voice in many different languages to contribute to the experiment. Y Llais Bach has reached the USA, Canada, Brazil and Spain. Some make note of the comforting little things that give pleasure in everyday life as well as important expressions to keep in mind in a confusing world. Authors and artists have recorded quotes from their books or works of art. Katy from São Paulo who came across Y Llais Bach on twitter expresses those little words that are of utmost importance to her living under the terrible right-wing presidency of Bolsonaro. The big, little words. The big, little words of resistance.
Yes, little words are far-reaching – a little howl from Penrhyndeudraeth can reach the other side of the world, and bring strangers together to a common ground.
If you’d like to send in a recording of a utopic sound, words of comfort or resistance, you’re welcome to send them in to me, Llinos at gwefus.cymru@gmail.com