Entangled Thoughts

Blog by Julie Upmeyer

thought becomes image and disperses with time
collecting on a shelf
words reflected
images interacting
commonalities commune in the dark

This is one possible way of documenting the postcard exchange that has been going on amongst Utopias Bach Collaboratory participants since the very beginning. Julie Upmeyer has focused on the collection point, incidentally the mirror in her bedroom.

There are constants within the collection: the size and format, stamp and address. But from this point they diverge. They are not connected by time, arriving weeks, sometimes months apart. They are not connected by source, mailed from creatives all over, traveling exposed, by foot, van and car. They are not connected by medium or concept, theme or source material.

Here they are photographed in a consistent manner.
An impossible view if holding the postcard in front of you. There is rhythm and form. Regularity. Imagined connections dance down the screen.

The Postcard Exchange is open to all members of the Utopias Bach Collaboratory. Our Collaboratory this month (over zoom), hosted by Wanda Zyborska, will focus on ‘where is the art’, socially engaged art in the context of Utopias Bach. You are warmly invited to join us. Find out more here


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