Cipolwg - Nano News
Emily Meilleur yn cyflwyno Priodedbau Pridd - Story of Soil
Yn dilyn cyfnod o ymchwilio, cynhaliwyd digwyddiad EGINO ar yr 2il o Fawrth yn Y Ganolfan, Llanberis. Caswom glywed am y syniadau cychwynnol i’r gwaith yma, a gwahodd syniadau creadigol gan y rhai a oedd wedi ymgynull. Cawsom hefyd daith gerdded a pherfformiad dan arweiniad Emily Meilleur gyda’r nod o ddod â phobl i ymdeimlad dyfnach o gysylltiad hefo’r tir.
Bydd cyfnod creu y ‘Straeon y Tir’ yn rhedeg tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf 2024. Mae rhywfaint o gyllid ar gael i gefnogi cyd-weithio neu os yw costau yn rwystr i greu gweithiau, a’r symiau hynny yn ddibynol ar nifer y ceisiadau ddaw i law.
We had a fantastic ‘Germination’ event for Stori’r Tir (Story of the Land) on 2nd March in Y Ganolfan, Llanberis! We are now inviting people to join our community and contribute stories of our relationships with land in Dyffryn Peris, based on the approaches and methods we’ve been developing in Utopias Bach!
The creation period for the ‘Stories of the Land’ will run until the end of July 2024. There is some funding available to support collaboration or if costs are an obstacle to creating works, and those amounts depend on the number of applications received. Deadline for applying for this is 28.3.24
On 21st March (11am - 1pm), our monthly Collaboratory will be hosted on zoom in partnership with Carreg Creative as part of a commission by Oriel Celf Gyfoes Genedlaethol i Gymru/Wales Contemporary Art Gallery and Storiel.
Ar gyfer ein comisiwn, mae Carreg Creative (Lisa Hudson a Lindsey Colbourne gyda Wanda Zyborska) yn gwahodd pobl greadigol lle mae eu hymarfer yn canolbwyntio ar gydweithio, proses ac ymgysylltu, i gymryd rhan mewn ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ (ar-lein/yn Storiel).
Bydd y ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ zoom efo Utopias Bach yn archwilio [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o'r cabinet. Sut gallai ein harfer ymgysylltiol fod yn berthnasol i oriel gelf gyfoes genedlaethol Cymru (gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) a chasgliad Storiel?
Bydd y ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ hon ynddo’i hun yn rhan o, ac yn arwain at greu gwaith ar gyfer y cabinet a thu hwnt. Bydd rhan o'n gweithgarwch ar y cyd yn cynnwys gwahanol fathau o ddogfennaeth i [casglu? Cynrychioli? Gwneud yn weledol?] ac adlewyrchu ar natur a lleoliad y gelfyddyd ymgysylltiedig - sut mae'n amlygu neu gwireddu ei hun?
Our ‘Curious Conversation’ over zoom with Utopias Bach will explore how creative practice that focuses on collaboration, process and engagement can get into and out of the cabinet: How could our (individual and Utopias Bach) engaged practice relate to the national contemporary art gallery for Wales (Celf ar y Cyd website) and Storiel’s collection?
This ‘curious conversation’ will of itself be part of, and will lead into the creation of work for and beyond the cabinet in Storiel. Part of our collective activity will involve various forms of documentation to [collect? Represent? Make visual?] and reflect on the nature and location of the engaged art – how is it manifest?
PS There will also be an ‘in room’ event in April at Storiel (date TBC)
Arddangosfa Trawsffurfiad Plas Brondanw
Transformation Exhibition
Yn cyflwyno ystod gyffrous iawn o gweithiau Celf gan bron i 100 o Artistiaid (yn gynnwys Utopias Bach!) Presenting a very exciting range of Artworks by almost 100 Artists (including Utopias Bach’s Trawsffurfiad!).
Plas Brondanw, Llanfrothen LL48 6SW
Mae'r arddangosfa ar agor ddydd Mercher-dydd Sul tan y 5ed o Fai. The exhibition will be open Wednesday-Sunday until the 5th of May
Resilient Stages: Live Performing Arts and Crisis Policy after COVID-19
An event by the Societies and Cultures Institute, exploring how lessons learned across G7 countries help us create a live performing arts sector in the UK that is resilient and prepared. Utopias Bach and Sarah Pogoda’s work is featured in a new book as part of this work!
FREE. Reserve a place here
Fforum Gelf Ynys Môn: Stiwdios Agored: Anglesey Arts Forum: Open Studios
Bydd arlunwyr, cerflunwyr,ffotograffwyr, gwneuthurwyr ffilm, gwneuthurwyr printiau, artistiaid gosod a chrefftwyr yn falch o’ch croesawu i’w stiwdios yn ystod ein Wythnosau Celf Môn (WCM): Wythnosau Stiwdios ac Orielau 23 Mawrth - 7 Ebrill, 2024.
Lawrlwythwch y canllaw ar gyfer Stiwdios Agored Wythnosau Celf Ynys Môn 2024
Painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers,printmakers, installation artists, and craft workers will be delighted to welcome you to their studios during the Anglesey Arts Weeks (AAW): Open Studios and Galleries Weeks 23 March - 7 April, 2024.
Download the guide for the 2024 Anglesey Arts Weeks Open Studios
Ar goll? Lost? Remember our ‘site map’ button on our website
You can find the ‘Site Map’ button on the homepage, just underneath the Utopias Bach logo. Here you’ll see all the pages as a list… which might just help you find what you are looking for! (maybe)