Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed

Tree Sense Experimental School



We now have more than 100 people registered for the school. The vast majority are in N Wales but they go as far as Australia.


See the blurb about each Cylch here. Let me know if any changes!

Events and rooms

View events on google calendar - this also books the Utopias Bach ZOOM room. If you have any planning meetings using zoom, please make sure you add the meeting to the calendar.

  • 3rd March: EGINO. germinating our experimental school community of humans and trees.

    Friday 3rd March: Launch event at Pontio (5.30-7.30pm), enrolment, badges, performance (Wanda, Sarah, Rhys, Anna), continuous drawing (Lisa). In White Box and foyer outside White Box. Zoom in White Box (Gaia, Kar)

    Saturday 11th: workshop to find out “who are we, how do we relate to each other, and what do we want from taking part?” Including guided visualisation (Angharad), introductions including inviting people to bring/create a ‘school name’ (a bardic name) and identifying/starting to ‘merge’ with/document their ‘lodestar tree/wood’ that they will focus on throughout the 12 weeks. Maybe also trying out the homework tasks by visiting Parc y Coleg, and/or reporting on the results. White Box.

    Wednesday 15th: Collaboratory (zoom) - review how it’s going, what we need to change etc

  • 17th March: Susurration/Sibrwd y Coed “How can we foster loving relationships with trees?” Speed dating, observation, drawing, sound and poetry.

    Saturday 18th March: Family workshop (11+) at 11-12pm and 1-2pm by Rhys Trimble. dendritic antidialectics, conceptual dividing, canghenau tafodieithog, pwyll ddwyffyrch. White Box/foyer outside White Box

  • Wednesday 22nd March: Speed dating with trees in Parc y Coleg, next to Pontio, Bangor. You will meet and select your significant tree and get physical with large scale drawings. Pontio. White Box/PL2 (note graduation this day so maybe busy)

    Wednesday 29th March: Sacred crafting, bonding and binding with your significant tree (at Pontio/on zoom) White Box

  • 31st March: MUDIAD MYCELIUM. ‘Mudiad Mycelium – Together we will explore the forms and functions of mycelium through movement and sound. And consider the intra & inter connectedness of mycelium, communication, exchange and sharing, nourishment:

    Saturday 1st April - indoor workshop (white box) at Pontio, beginning as spores, spore germination and growth. With recorded and improvised sound (Emily Meilleur, Irene Gonzalez, El Davies, Steph Shipley). White Box/PL2

    Saturday 8th April - outdoor workshop at Pontio, spreading and connecting with trees, with recorded and improvised sound. (Emily Meilleur, Irene Gonzalez, El Davies, Steph Shipley). PL2
    Saturday 8th April workshop for kids 3+ following Woodland Tales session (12.30 and 15.30), mask and headdress making with Rhona Bowey (+ invite to come to Forest Comes to Pontio). mask and headdress making with Rhona Bowey for children 3+, following the Woodland Tales with Grandad show. NOTE: this is only open to those attending the Woodland Tales with Grandad show at Pontio before hand at 11.30 or 14.30. Book tickets for this show direct with Pontio). Foyer outside White Box

  • 14th April: THE ANCIENTS. Crone Cast “How can we become with ancient trees": costume and banner making and development of a performance in Pontio/Parc y Coleg

    Tuesday 18th April: Introduction to Crone Cast and becoming with ancient tree, planning performance, crone and tree voices, driads (Wanda Zyborska + Crones). White Box/Pl2

    Saturday 22nd April: Earth Day: Workshop costume making, planning performance, voices, banners encouraging antisocial behaviour. Link to mycelium. White Box/PL2

  • Wednesday 26th April: Collaboratory. Zooom.

  • 28th April: JUSTICE. Merched y Tir “How can we re-imagine our relationships with land and trees for social, environmental and reproductive justice?” .

    Wednesday 3rd May: Climate Assembly with Environmental Law Students on Tree Rights. Venue TBC

    [Thursday 4th May: Academic symposium during day (offers?). Organised by Bangor Uni]

    Thursday 4th May: Art Kiosk night with opportunities for onstage performance 7pm (Offers? Rhys. El+ Lucy. Wanda? Emily? Gaia, Irene online link up). Stage in downstairs foyer

    Sunday 7th May: observing, mapping, installation and re-imagining Parc y Coleg for social, environmental and reproductive justice (Lindsey, Emily, Elinor). Thanksgiving address/writing workshop (Seran Dolma). White Box/PL2

    Wednesday 10th May: Workshop with tree stories, folk law and LORE (Lucy Finchett Maddock/Millie Jackdaw). Making banners and Manifesto/charter of the forest, drawing on all previous Cylchoedd. PL2

  • 12th May: FOREST COMES TO PONTIO. Creating tree costumes, gathering all the results ready for:

    Sunday 21st May: Costume making and leaf making for performance. And Graduation. NOTE NO ROOMS AVAILABLE MAY NEED TO CHANGE THE DATE

    Saturday 27 May: Forest comes to Pontio take over - in costumes, with performances, leaf/results blowing, presentation of maniffesto, banners etc. White Box/PL2

The Cylchoedd will enable participants to explore relationships with trees using a variety of senses, creative practices, ways of thinking, being and becoming. Ideas and experiences would flow between modules through discussion, performance, making, being and imagining. Depending on availability of space at Pontio, we’d leave traces of our enquiries over time - an accumulation of invitations, performances, screenings, physical works, experiences, discoveries and questions. Each to make a conscious place for reflection/collecting results eg an hour.

Mycelium helping to pass on things between each cylch eg meet up with next Cylch and hand over

In parallel with being physically resident at Pontio, we would like to offer online events and invitations to increase the accessibility to those unable to physically attend.  One aspect of this might be to create a physical and or online handbook’ of invitations/scores, little bite-sized invitations that people can use in their own time.

Linked events and offers

We could ‘signpost’ people to related offsite activities like trips to Celtic Rainforest, Coed Aber, the wood at Glynffynnon.

Sarah Pogoda is offering artists workshops on using traditions methods etc of the avant guard for ecological and environmental practice (April?) - maybe link to Art Kiosk performance on 4th may.

We can add these in once our ‘core offer’ is in place!

Planning team

This residency is being created by Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Emily Meilleur, Lindsey Colbourne, Rhys Trimble, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Ellen Davies, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Peter Hughes, Irene Gonzalez, Seran Dolma, Lucy Finchett-Maddock, Rhona Bowey, Elinor Gwynn and the Trees in Parc y Coleg next to Pontio.

This section is for us to share where we are at! Our next meeting altogether is Monday 23rd January 2-3.30pm over zoom:


Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450

Passcode: 398362

Developing ideas for each Cylch

The lead person for each Cylch will convene those interested, including people from within their experiment if they wish to decide what do you want to do (and who will do it) over the two weeks allocated to your Cylch:

1.     What is/are your ‘question or inquiry’ that you will be exploring?

2.     What is/are your invitation (and stimulus/activity) for others to get involved? and how will you cycle between individual and community (inward and outward, humans and trees) – are there things individuals want to do/contribute and how does that fit in?

3.     What might you build on from previous Cylchoedd, what might you leave for those who come after?

4.     Which day(s) each week do you want to allocate to be ‘at Pontio’ (or at Awen 33 or outside)?

5.     What do you need to do this (who needs what money, other returns)?

Suggested structure for the two weeks of each Cylch: Each running from a Friday to a Friday.

  • 1st day of each Cylch (Friday): Send out the invitation to participants for the two weeks – the topic, inquiry, any self directed activity, timetable of events (online/physically at Pontio)

  • First week: SPRING: Exploratory activity/performance/at Pontio/hybrid [choose your day(s)]

  • Second week: AUTUMN: gathering ‘Response/results’ activity/performance/at Pontio/hybrid/online [choose your day(s)]


Planning meeting 5.1.22