Utopias Bach - Revolution in Miniature

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Tri digwyddiad cyffrous wythnos nesaf: Three exciting events next week!

Gaia Redgrave

An invitation to join Gaia Redgrave and Cathedral of the Trees: A Triad of Being 3/5/23 11am-12.30pm (ZOOM)

Cathedral of Trees: A Triad of Being is An experiment in reconnection and communication with the landscape, & more than human. You are invited to sign up to a series of five events, spending creative time with the natural world, experiencing three journey packages received through your letterbox.

Please sign up to receive the packages, prompts, emails etc from Gaia: https://forms.gle/3otrTZCwrfH3mr2N6

Gaia is also running a zoom session next week - an introduction to Cathedral of the Trees, the Triad of Being & an invitation to start mapping your journey. Also an opportunity to sign up if you haven’t already done so.

Join Gaia for The Gathering Wednesday May 3rd 11:00 a.m - 12.30pm


This event is over zoom (NOTE this is a DIFFERENT zoom link to the usual one!):



If you have any questions please email: cathedralofthetrees@gmail.com

Instagram: @cathedralofthetrees

Siarter y Coed / Charter of the Trees 3/5/23 1-4pm (Pontio/Zoom)

Utopias Bach, GwyrddNi, Bangor University and the LORE School invite you to help create our Siarter y Coed/Charter of the Trees

Dydd Mercher Mai 3 May 1-4pm BST @ Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre Deiniol Road Bangor LL57 2TQ and online (ZOOM)

Pa hawliau mae coed eu heisiau? Pa hawliau sydd ganddyn nhw? Pa hawliau allai fod ganddyn nhw? Pa goed allwn ni helpu? Beth os nad yw coed eisiau hawliau?

Mae’r rhain i gyd yn gwestiynau pwysig yr hoffem eu gofyn i feddwl am ffyrdd y gallwn wneud defnydd o’r gyfraith sydd gennym eisoes, i greu Siarter y Coed i ddiogelu hawliau coed y gallwn yn bersonol eu caru a’u hadnabod, a’r rheini i gyd tu hwnt.

Mae’r sesiwn tair awr hon ar hawliau coed, fel rhan o Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed Utopias Bach.

O fewn hyn, dymunwn wahodd pob creadur, pa un bynag ai arborel ai dim, i ymuno a dysgwyl am eu hiawnderau, yr hyn a all eu llên, a'u cyfraith, ei ddysgu i ni; a sut y gallwn eiriol drostynt drwy ail-ddychmygu ac ailddechrau'r fframweithiau cyfreithiol sydd gennym.

Mae'r digwyddiad yn un hybrid, ac mae dolen ar gael i'r rhai sy'n dymuno ymuno y tu hwnt i fyd lleoliad Pontio, ym Mangor.


What rights do trees want? What rights do they have? What rights could they have? Which trees can we help? What if trees don't want rights?

These are all important questions that we would like to pose to think of ways that we can make use of the law that we already have, to create a Siarter y Coed to protect rights of trees that we may personally love and know, and all those beyond.

This three hour session on the rights of trees, as part of Utopias Bach’s Tree Sense Experimental School.

Within this, we would like to invite all creatures, whether arboreal or none, to join and learn of their rights, what their lore, and law, can teach us; and how we may advocate for them by re-imagining and re-awakening the legal frameworks we have.

The event is hybrid, and there is a link available to those who wish to join beyond the realms of the venue Pontio, in Bangor.

This event is free but requires booking (via EventBrite)

Noson Ciosg Celf 4/5/23 7-9pm (Pontio)

Iau 4 Mai, 7 – 9pm
Llwyfan y bar, Pontio

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Noson Ciosg Celf arbennig i ddathlu ein arddangosfa ‘At eich Coed’. Bydd sgwrs gyda’r artistiaid Anthony Ynohtna, Joe Roberts a Lindsey Colbourne (Utopias Bach) yn ogystal a pherfformiadau gan y cerddor Tristian Evans ac Utopias Bach (El Davies, Anna Powell, Steph Shipley, Mudiad Mycelium Movement + Crone Cast).

Art Kiosk Night
Thursday 4 May, 7 - 9pm
Pontio’s bar stage

Join us for a special Art Kiosk Night to celebrate our exhibition ‘Tree Sense’. We’ll be talking to artists Anthony Ynohtna, Joe Roberts and Lindsey Colbourne (Utopias Bach) about their work, and musician Tristian Evans and Utopias Bach (El Davies, Anna Powell, Steph Shipley, Mudiad Mycelium Movement + Crone Cast) will be performing.