Utopias Bach - Revolution in Miniature

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Dwy noson lansio a chinio - two opening nights and a dinner!

Mary Thomas

Gwahoddiadau Utopias Bach Invitations - Galeri, Caernarfon: 2.6.23

Ymunwch â ni am noson lansio yn Galeri Caernarfon, Nos Wener 2.6.23, 6yh!

Join us for the launch evening in Galeri Caernarfon, Friday 2.6.23, 6pm!

A curated exhibition of works from the last 3 years by Utopias Bach, exploring invitations and responses in four themes:

  • Dychmygu Radical - Radical Imaginings

  • Sylwi - Noticing

  • Gwneud Tylwyth - Making Kin

  • Arallweddu - Becoming Other

What better way to celebrate our ‘almost 3rd birthday’?

Croeso cynnes i bawb! Warm welcome to all!

(exhibition runs to July)

Camilla Bruton

Take my hand - Caffi Siop Mechell, Llanfechell, Ynys Mon: 9.6.23

Un o’r arbrofion Utopias Bach ydy Take My Hand, gan Steph Shipley. Dan ni’n falch iawn i roi cynnig i chi i’r noson lansio Nos Wener 9.6.23 6yh.

Take My Hand by Steph Shipley is one of Utopias Bach’s experiments. We are very pleased to share this invitation to the launch evening on Friday 9.6.23 at 6pm.

Mwy o wybodaeth am/more information about Take My Hand

Cysylltu - a creative menu for recovery, Bwyd Da, Bangor 24.6.23

This fundraising dinner will support a series of trial workshops, exploring how creative workshops can be usd as a complementary tool in recovery. We really hope you will be able to join us at Bwyd da on 24th June. Please  pass on the invitation to someone else who might be interested. With thanks, Ellen Davies  

Book a table now by emailing ellie.davies.composer@outlook.com

You can also support the projec by contributing to the kickstarter (very nearly reached the target!)

Cysylltu...Connecting... by Ellen Davies — Kickstarter