Utopias Bach - Revolution in Miniature

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Cipolwg - Nano News

Mae cryn dipyn o bobl wedi ymuno ag Utopia Bach yn ddiweddar - croeso cynnes i bawb! Quite a few people have joined Utopias Bach recently - warm welcome to all!

Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!

Ar gyfer eich dyddiadur - for your diary

Click on the red underlined text for more information for each of these events. Croeso cynnes i bawb!

25.11.22 Grwp Barddoniaeth Poetry group This month Elinor Gwynn will be reading her poem Gaeaf yn Nyffryn Mawddwy (part of a series of poems that won her the Crown at the National Eisteddfod), and we’ll be discussing Pruning in Frost” by Alice Oswald. Event over zoom, 4-5pm

3.12.22 Placing Experiment: Losing, gaining and shifting ground This one-day online interdisciplinary colloquium, hosted by Sarah Pogoda and Zoë Skoulding will explore ways in which experimental process and procedure in art, music, performance and writing, influenced by avant-garde legacies of the twentieth century, may be newly imagined in a local and global context.

More information and reserve your free place here

4.12.22 Cyfarfod Aurora Gathering. 11am, Y Fron. A heart sharing space where we listen from our hearts as well as speak from our hearts

14.12.22 Next Collaboratory nesa over zoom 11-12.30. A chance to get to know new members and old, and we’ll look back on our activies over the last few months and what is coming up in 2023. There’ll be a chance to discuss what would you like to do, take part in? What sort of role would you like to have (most recently, Gaia Redgrave became our “Seer of the Unseen”!)?

March - May 2023: Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed / Experimental Tree Sense School

Utopias Bach will be resident at Pontio next year, inviting audiences to become symbiotic participants in a co-inquiry with trees and other more-than-human beings. We’ll be establishing a bilingual Ysgol Arbrofol/Experimental School to create a forest-like interconnected community of inquiry, movement, senses, sound, growth and connection. Our idea is to structure the residency around a series of Cylchoedd. Each Cylch would be present (online and at Pontio/Parc y Coleg) for a week or two, hosted by a different Utopias Bach Experiment, and open to all to witness/ participate. Mwy o fanylion yn fuan - more details soon!

Newyddion Gwyl Bod yn Ddynol - Being Human Festival News

In November, Utopias Bach ran two Collaboratories in partnership with Hwb Bangor (diolch Sarah Pogoda!), as part of the UK’s national festival of the humanities. We were delighted so many familiar faces and new came to try out different ways of engaging with the complex history and inter-species agencies embodied by Bangor University’s Normal Site Campus…

Maniffesto o Le: A Manifesto of Place (12.11.22)
23 people came to re-imagine Normal Site Campus for a more-than-human future and creatively explore how human and more-than-human people break through to new relationships with place. We humans and more-than-humans shared our own connections with Bangor University’s Normal Site Campus, intervened creatively with its current state of being and expressed our visions for the future. All contributions were brought together to create a Manifesto of Place. See and hear the results here

‘Mudiad Mycelium Movement (19.11.22)

12 of us spent a morning exploring mycelium-like movement, radiating in all directions, seeking connections and creating symbiotic exchanges, in the space between people and other living things. See more here